Android Remote

Dear Damien! Any chance we will have an Android A+ Remote by Christmas? That would be so nice!! I am sure we would all enjoy Audirvana even more than now.
Happy days to you! Thanks and kind regards, Michael

Hello Damien, can you update us on the release date of the android remote ?
Thanks in advance

I’m looking forward to the Android remote too. Seems to be a long time coming.


Any news on the android version release ?


WIth Christmas, will we have the Android remote delivered ?

Thanks in advance

Thank you for Audirvana for Windows, great app.

Would it be possible to make Audirvana for Android that it could be as a standalone app, example if you wanted to stream Tidal away from home?


Pouvons nous avoir des nouvelles sur A+ Remote Android ?

Merci d’avance

Audirvana Remote for Android is now in public beta test phase.
The instructions for enrolling and retrieving the pre-release are in the dedicated section of this forum (in the Beta tests category)

Dear Damien!
I have read that you are working on an I-phone A+ Remote for Windows. In my view most users of Windows have an Android phone, not an Apple phone. Your Audirvana is a superb audiophile engine, superb!
But without a remote it is no joy to use. So please give your fans/customers an Android A+ Remote.
Thanks for your attention, kind regards!

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Hallo Damien,

dem schließe ich mich an.

Ich besitze zwar ein iPad 4 - das ist aber eigentlich zu unhandlich und so wäre mir
auch eine Android-Version lieber.

Vielen Dank.
