Antipodes Audio

Is it possible to stream from Macbook/AS via UPnP to an Antipodes Audio K21?
This is the least expensive one from Antipodes but it got in the latest G4 generation an excellent USB output to the DAC.


Hi @matt,

You may be able to perform this but I strongly recommend you to contact them if someone from their forum already tried this :wink:

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Thanks, I did already and will post the answer here.


The answer from Antipodes:

“Hi Matt, Yes, what you propose is certainly possible, you may find that using local files on the K21 to be superior in sound, but if you are wedded to the Audivarna Studio ecosystem, then UPnP playback to a K21 utilizing MPD in “end-point” mode would be the solution.”

@Antoine: Does Audirvana work reliably with MPD?


It should but I don’t know the UPNP implementation of Antipode so can’t tell you more about it. Have you asked them if they tried Audirvāna with the unit?

Since their answer was slightly ironic I assume they didn’t try Audirvana.
