Anyone using a Dragonfly Red? I'm having issues.

I have been using the demo, to try before I buy, and WOULD buy if I could get my Dragonfly Red to work with it.

I tried JRiver, and it works, and it works with VLC, and a few other media players on my Mac.

The Dragonfly is new, updated, etc.

I get a blast of static, then silence, if I try and play a track.

If I switch back to core audio it works fine.

Would LOVE some help as I much prefer this to JRiver… much much much.

I guess not.

I do have a DragonFly RED, and has not this issue at all.
What do you mean by switching back to core audio?
Have you updated your DF to the latest firmware (the one that brings the MQA Renderer)?

I have.

Basically, if I tell the software to use the Red, I get the loud burst of static then silence. If I tell the Mac to use the Red, then I get the static.

It’s a clean install (tried uninatalling properly and reinstalling as well) and it works everywhere else (VLC, browser/YouTube, JRiver, Logic, FCPX, etc.)

Did you have to do anything specific in your settings?

Thanks for your reply!

No specific settings. Do you have any possibility to get your DF unit exchanged?

Well… It would be weird if it had some mechanical flaw that only affected one piece of software?

Can you try unselecting the “MQA auto-detection”?
One of the main difference between Audirvana Plus and the other players is the MQA decoder.
Maybe your unit is defective in its MQA part?

I talked to audioquest and they asked me to try a few things.

What finally solved it - and yes it’s now solved - was turning off Exclusive Access.

That seemed to be ticked by default?

Not sure how I never manged to untick earlier but anyway. Problem solved.

Thank for the help.

This should not be needed to be turned off.
But needing to turn it off tells there must be a conflict with another application.
Do you have the TIDAL desktop player running? If yes, be sure to quit it before launching Audirvana Plus.

I didn’t have Tidal installed Ironically until yesterday.

There’s nothing else running on the machine related to audio when I try this.

No idea then why this is happening.

Does it offer any benefits to have it checked?

For sound quality, yes!

Ah well bloody hell.

OK back to the drawing board I guess. Grrr.


I finally did figure it out!

Jesus, what a pain.

So, here’s the issue It was “Integer Mode”.

I unticked that and viola, it all worked.

If I tick it, static. Untick it, no static.

Anyway, it now works and yes it sounds a lot better…

Now I just to figure out what to set the upsampling stuff to, if anything at all. Jeez… a google later and I’m basically as confused as I’ve ever been… and I’m a producer for a living! LOL.

Thanks for the help!! :slight_smile:

I was having issues with my DragonFly Red on a MacBook Pro 13 running Audirvana 2+ through 3.1.5.

Occasionally, at the start of a song, a sound, call it “electronic hash” would be briefly superimposed over the playback.
I tried many solutions, but turning of “Exclusive Access” as noted above solved the problem.
Note that as part of my troubleshooting was to shut down any other program and as many processes as I safely could, but no avail. “Exclusive Access” appears to be the culprit in my case.