App quits or I have to force quit on a Mac

Just downloaded the 30 day trial of Audirvana Studio. The app is incredibly slow and I get the spinning ball all the time. I imported all my iTunes playlists but every time i click on the folder I want the app quits. If I try iTunes legacy the app refuses to open it and eventually I have to force quit.
Also, even though I have the button regarding checking the files every time I open the app. unticked It still does so.
I won’t be taking up the subscription at the end of the trial. It is way to buggy for me and too much time is wasted along the way.

What kind of Mac and MacOS Version you are using for Audirvana Studio?

I am using an iMac with OS Mojave. Maybe the problem is that the app is optimised for more recent versions of the OS.
I am waiting the new iMac M1’s with a 27" before I upgrade. Perhaps I will try the app then.

I’ve had stability issues on High Sierra which are difficult to pin down.

CPU usage isn’t high, however after various suggestions I’ve turned off or reduced upsampling algorithms and it’s much more stable, though occasionally crashes.

Thanks for that…

The funny thing is how certain tracks on local storage repeatedly cause issues whereas others don’t.

I suspect an elusive bug somewhere or something possibly in track metadata/library info that is throwing a wobbly!

Stability is so important, but Studio sound quality is excellent when it works consistently - so much better to me than say Roon with the same local or streaming content.

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