Apple M1 Max MACBOOK PRO MONTEREY ended before file end

You don’t need to change MIDI settings.

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First of all I rebooted Mac OS to initialize OS Status error22.
And set Audirvana oversampling rate as below.

SoX with Power Of Two upsampling
SoX filter parameters
Bandwidth at 0dB = 99.5
Filter max length = 30000
Anti-aliasing = 100
Phase = 100
Audio buffer frame size : 116 to 4096 frames
Current I/O buffer frame size : 512
Bridge settings:
Sample rate limitation: none
Sample rate switching latency: 1s
Limit bitdepth to 24bit: OFF
Mute during sample rate change: ON

Apple lossless audio 16bit/44.1 Khz
Output 32/352.8
The trouble suddenly stopped is not appear yet.

However Is this perfect solution?

Ref: My old DA converter need to change MiDi setting several years ago , this is my old habit…

Perfect in the audiophile setting is very subjective. For one, I don’t upsample for example. I prefer to play “bit-perfect”.

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I agree.
It is only computer technical problem, not listening one.
But need to resolve to progress audio technical reproduction.

The other hand ; About listing…
in 1990s I had decoding computer of WADIA, I think this is the first presentation of upsampling with filling artificial data between sampling interval produced by special algorithm soft-ware.
However non oversampling CD player (I was using Studer A727 CD Player) output is better than that using WADIA.
At that time, I was struggling to reproduce vinyl records sound.
But after all I began to think it is impossible.
Easy solution is have two way listening way.
This is not a problem came out newly.

Now a days I could have two audio systems for analogue Vacuum tube system for vinyl records Ortofon/DECCA pick up cartridge and EMT CD Player 986), and sub system : Mac book + DA converter + pre-amplifier and vacuum tube power amplifier with 1955 made old speaker.

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I have NOS DACs based on TDA1541/43 but also oversampling DAC using the same chip. There is something in the NOS way of reproducing PCM digital signal. That’s why the R2R DACs are so popular.


Philips TDA1541 was a famous excellent tip , certainly accept power 4 over sampling, and The rumor said at that time Studer A727 adopt quadplex over sampling. But Studer and Philips did not mention this officially. And also bugged among Audio mania that the key of good sound was output transformer for Balanced Out put .
Certainly transformer works as filter to audio frequency-range at the same time voltage amplifier. But further more need to use impedance matching transformer to change balance output to single preamp input, feel kind of stupid I was. :sweat_smile:

The audio hobby area is full of technical contradiction.
Too much buffering is not good for transducing over sampling data… is one of them.
It is crazy if this is a computer H/W relationship between cache(buffer) - memory - storage.
Hypothesis is here. New Mac M1 max’s high speed buffering is beyond ability of what Audirvana application can manage ? Low speed Intel CPU processing can fit and manage/fit to large buffering? Why apps. want to buffer from storage?

But it’s OK in this audio hobby area.
Subjective Good sound is the most important here.

For the curious, check out the Lapizator blog:


I loved Studer A727 (TDA1541) but after more than 20 years using, its capacitors are swelled , CD tray not operate, noise… So I decided to change CD player to EMT986. Roughly speaking, it sounds the same tendency. There are no restrictions on sound output, like when the faucet is fully opened.
Even if I miss and thirst for something I can’t get anymore, I can’t get anything.

However Analogue Vinyl record’s equipment, Pickup ,Pickup Arm, MC Transformer/Head Amp, Equalizer Amp, Player, are still living and updated continuously. This is great.

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