AQ DF RED and A+3 and Audio MIDI

Why does the DF RED show a blue light and my audio device on Audio MIDI say my ME2 is outputting the sound and not the DF RED even though I am using the DF RED as the DAC and NOT the ME2 and if I click in the DFR ‘use this device for sound output’ the megaphone icon won’t move. I am listening to an MQA/TIDAL Master recording at 24/192 as shown in upper right hand corner of A+3 and the DAC says 24/48 in the upper left hand corner the next song is 24/96 MQA and the DAC says 24/48.The sound is superb-so it doesn’t make any difference what the DFR is outputting? And the Audio MIDI is controlled by something but what?


@winders pandehjo…