Artwork doesn't update when using outside metadata editor

Artwork doesn’t update when using outside metadata editor (Yate, in my case).

All other metadata elements that are updated (ie. a song title name change) except for if the album artwork is changed it will not be updated when the library has been synced again.

Hello @Mystic,

Do you have this issue with the MacOS or Windows version of Audirvāna Origin?

The modification of artworks not being reflected in Audirvana’s poster view in macOS is an old issue which already existed before Studio/Origin unfortunately. My guess is that there’s a cache somewhere which doesn’t update as often as it should.
I have (and always had) this issue as well.


I asked Damien about this and we consider the update of an artwork not thing that usually happen a lot, this is why it’s only working in the metadata editor of Audirvāna Origin/Studio.