AS - unacceptable exchange rates

$6.99 or €6.99 or £6.49 or ¥899

Current exchange rates would give:


@Antoine Yes, you need/want to insulate for some FX movement, but why the enormous (22% on €, 32% on £) FX gouging?


Canada: $10.99 CAD

$6.99 USD is $8.40 CAD today (31% above US price)

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Bit surprised this gouging hasn’t attracted more attention.

Presumably non-US customers are no longer considered important.

In which case we can vote accordingly.


As usual with US prices, it’s good to remember these are before VAT. I don’t know how much is VAT for digital software in any country, but it should be added before making any comparison.

With the subscription model being put in place, it seems that no one is the priority any longer.

Strong disparities are noticed even where VAT rates are factored in.
I think someone’s finger got wet while being presented to the wind, just before such decisions were made…

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