ASIO driver issue BSOD and Dump works now!

Hello, after a while I was getting more and more frustrated with my favorite setup and hobby.

I got the tip to check the driver and the device. But the only thought in the time was a Update on Audirvana. So I decided to do a clean setup, uninstall and reinstall Audirvana.

Surprise, everything works perfectly for five days i was in heaven. My sound card and ASIO work together and the sound was stunning!

But the next moment it stops. I was sure I hadn’t changed my mind at that point. I repeat my process and do a fresh install and everything was back for two hours.Quickly i reinstalled again and now I’m monitoring what I’m doing, I was playing the same songs.

I noted when I play an album at 176.4kHz or a special track, It cause Audrivan to stop playing and go back to error mode. This means Audirvante not regognize my ASIO driver anymore and provide a Blue screen for all tracks over 44.kHz.

Now I downsample or upsample anything to 192 kHz and Audrivana works and sounds fantastic.

I would like to share this if anyone has a similar problem. A good friend of my have the same problem and give up after some weeks.

It would be helpful if you can reset the sound settings without reinstalling.

I hope this information is helpful, and sorry my Englisch is frozzen a little.

One more note: Audirvana is awesome, the sound is incomparable and accompanies me every day at work.

Many thanks to the Audirvana team and community!

Hi @MacJK,

Which of your ASIO driver you have the issue with?

Hi @Antoine , Creative SBZ #0.

The miniDSP have the same problem, but can’t confirm 100%. I remember afther the Driver get lost i switch to Kernel Streaming.

After the output streamms are lost all ASIO devices are not found.

I can check this on the Weekend , If you want.

Pleas do so, as it’s a really strange issue you have here :face_with_monocle:

Bonjour, on my Test the MiniDSP ASIO works today after the Creative SBZ get stoping.

But I rember to get also not working after some time or get a Blue Screen and i need to switch to Kernel Streaming after some time.

I think this have some relation to 176.4 kHz. check on my sreen it is missing on the list.

I think after i play a song with this Sample rate it delete the config.

The Link to screen recording on my Test:


Best Regards

Hi @MacJK,

Thank you for the video. When you select the SSZ Series ASIO, can you open the ASIO driver GUI so we can see what is going on when you play a track? You opened MiniDSP and we see that nothing is coming to it as you pointed out but I really want to check if on the ASIO driver itself, everything works.

Hello @Antoine , sorry I missed to mention that the MINIDSP has two inputs: analog and ASIO. I’m using analog for this to indicate that there is no signal coming from the SBZ ASIO.

After SBZ ASIO stops working, I can no longer open the ASIO GUI in Audirvana.

The MINI DSP ASIO Works on my Test now without the Problem.

I think it has something to do with Audirvana and the SBZ drivers.

It works for me now through the upsampling, I think the number of users using the combination is not that high.

But I can offer you everything if I have to test or reproduce something else.

It’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth the effort.

A loyal and satisfied Audirvana user

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