ASIO support broken with 1.3.7

Since Audirvana was updated to 1.3.7, the ASIO playback is completely broken, the playback does not even start.

Hi Zantafio!
I think, you should give more information about your device. My Cambridge DAC Magic plus and the IFI nano DSD are working, unfortunately as before, the problem with the pop pop after upsampling to DSD has become a problem before and after upsampling.


I’ve downloaded yesterday and there are serious issues with ASIO. I sometimes utilize a FIIO Alpen E17K which has DSD support via driver for Foobar2000 and JRiver but the settings of A+ rejects that fact from the get go. It displays “DSD not supported” under DSD rates with all three drivers I use. More importantly, none of the ASIO drivers succeeded in producing a sound for red book or hi-res flacs through my Alpen :astonished: . WASAPI works well but I need full and detailed ASIO support if this software has a plan to be purchased by me