Aucun fichier audio ne peut être ouvert en lecture

Résolu :grinning:
Voila j’ai branché un Melco n1a en ethernet sur mon Mac mini db system,il me sert de NAS.
lorsque j’essaye de lancer un fichier voila lea réponse d’audirvana
Je vous joint mon debug info
Audirvana Mac Version 3.5.33 (3563)
macOS 10.13.6 with 8192MB RAM

Licence enregistrée pour xavier lafage


Polarity Inversion:
	Globally: OFF
	Per track: ON
Effects plugins NOT ACTIVE

SoX to DSD128 with filter type B 7th order
SoX filter parameters
Bandwidth at 0dB = 87.9945
Filter max length = 30000
Anti-aliasing = 100
Phase = 0

Max allowed volume: 100
Replay Gain: None
SW volume control: OFF

Sync list: 1 folders
AUTO: /Volumes/share/import
iTunes/Music library synchronization: last synchronized on Thu Apr 9 19:33:33 2020

Library database path: /Users/macminidb/Library/Application Support/Audirvana/AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite

Qobuz: Connected as Qobuz Hi-Fi

=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

Direct Mode audio path, buffer I/O frame size: 512

Max. memory for audio buffers: 6784MB

Local Audio Engine:
Exclusive access: Enabled
Integer mode: Enabled

Preferred device:
Combo384 Amanero
Model UID:Combo384 Amanero:16D0:071A
UID:AppleUSBAudioEngine:Amanero Technologies:Combo384 Amanero:413-001:2

Active Sample Rate: 44.1kHz
Hog Mode is off

Bridge settings:
Sample rate limitation: none
Sample rate switching latency: none
Limit bitdepth to 24bit: OFF
Mute during sample rate change: OFF

Selected device:
Local audio device
ID 0xb9 Combo384 Amanero Manufacturer:Amanero Technologies
Model UID:Combo384 Amanero:16D0:071A UID:AppleUSBAudioEngine:Amanero Technologies:Combo384 Amanero:413-001:2

9 available sample rates up to 384000Hz
Audio buffer frame size : 14 to 4096 frames
Current I/O buffer frame size : 512
Volume Control
Physical: Yes
Virtual: Yes
MQA capability
Auto-detect MQA devices: No
Not a MQA device, user set to not MQA
DSD capability: DSD via PCM 1.1
Device audio channels
Preferred stereo channels L:1 R:2
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1

Audio channels in use
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: No
Simple stereo device: Yes

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream(s)
Channel #0 :Stream 0 channel 0
Channel #1 :Stream 0 channel 1

Stream ID 0xba 2 channels starting at 1
18 virtual formats:
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 384kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 352.8kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 192kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 176.4kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 96kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 88.2kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 44.1kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 32kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 384kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 352.8kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 192kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 176.4kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 32kHz

18 physical formats
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 384kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 352.8kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 192kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 176.4kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 32kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 384kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 352.8kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 192kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 176.4kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Integer 32kHz

Local devices found : 5
Device #0: ID 0xd0 Sortie intégrée Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:3 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:8,0,1,2:0
Device #1: ID 0xc2 HDMI Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:3 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutputDP:8,5,1,0:0:{A320-002F-00000001}
Device #2: ID 0xb9 Combo384 Amanero Manufacturer: Amanero Technologies Model UID: Combo384 Amanero:16D0:071A UID: AppleUSBAudioEngine:Amanero Technologies:Combo384 Amanero:413-001:2
Device #3: ID 0x27 Soundflower (2ch) Manufacturer: ma++ ingalls for Cycling '74 Model UID: com_cycling74_driver_SoundflowerDevice:Soundflower UID: SoundflowerEngine:0
Device #4: ID 0x32 Soundflower (64ch) Manufacturer: ma++ ingalls for Cycling '74 Model UID: com_cycling74_driver_SoundflowerDevice:Soundflower UID: SoundflowerEngine:1

UPnP devices found : 1
Device #0: ID 0x0 Smart TV UID: uuid:13fbdacc-abde-1656-969c-000ce7060000 Location:

Qu’en pensez vous?
pouvez vous m’aider

Une idée ?
Il y a 2 jours tout fonctionnait et la plus rien
J’ai tout essayé même un dd ext et idem
Je n’y comprends rien
Je n’ai plus l’ancienne version au pire redonnez la moi tant pis mais là je craque
Merci à ceux qui me liront

bonjour @Xav, avez-vous essayé de désactiver le suréchantillonnage?

Là je suis même en train de reconstruire la bibliothèque à partir d’un dd ext
8h de désinstallation et 8h de re installation car c’est arrivé quand j’ai changé de dd ext.
J’ai fait un transfert dd ext ancien vers nouveau.Puis nouveau vers melco et la bug même si ce phénomène m’était déjà arrivé précédemment mais j’utilisais juste l’ancien dd ext et j’ai re ouvert les autorisations dans informations puis appliquer à tous les fichiers.
Le melco fonctionnait parfaitement avec l’ancienne version
De plus ça fait plusieurs fois que Audirvana me de demande d’installer syst op ?
Merci de votre réponse mais là je sèche

Je précise que j’utilise Audirvana depuis plus de 10 ans et jamais eu de problèmes
Juste direct mode depuis je ne sais plus quelle version de logiciel Mac mais c’est tout
Audirvana est pour moi fantastique non seulement pour le son mais aussi facile presque plug and play alors pour une bille comme moi en informatique que du bonheur.

Avez-vous essayé de désactiver Sysoptimizer dans les paramètres d’Audirvana?

Euh non puisqu’il me demande de l’installer à chaque fois

Pouvez-vous entrer dans l’application Terminal les commandes :

sudo chgrp wheel /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools

sudo chmod 1755 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools

Là je suis en train de reconstruire ma bibliothèque
Je le fais maintenant ou j’attends la fin ?

voila ce que terminal me note
Last login: Thu Apr 23 00:15:12 on console

pc3:~ macminidb$ sudo chgrp wheel/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools

sudo: /etc/sudoers is world writable

sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting

sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin

pc3:~ macminidb$ sudo chmod 1755/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools

sudo: /etc/sudoers is world writable

sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting

sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin

pc3:~ macminidb$

Avez-vous installé des logiciels récemment? Le fait que vous ne pouvez pas lancer une commande sudo est potentiellement lié à un problème de sécurité avec votre ordinateur.

Clean my Mac est le seul qui me vienne à l’esprit et gimini II pour la recherche des doublons
Ce serait l’un ou l’autre ?

J’ai desinstallé clean my Mac et gemini et ça ne change rien
Des idées ?

This is the first time Xav has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!

tout allait bien, jusqu’à je…

tu veux le gros texte pour revenir à zéro… peu importe ton disque dur nouveau ou vieux, si il a le même nom et tout est pareil à l’intérieur, Audirvana ne verra pas la différence…

Recommence. J’espère que tu sais lire l’anglais…

Big text, but fast doing it…

Start fresh Audirvana by deleting those files…

If you have Playlists that are important export them first to desktop and save them in a folder… when Audirvana is reset, you can re-import them back in one shot. sadly to this day, the folders they were in if so, are not back, you have to do them again…

Before doing this, maybe you should not connect after deleting those files to Roon, Tidal or others… Install Audirvana alone with your database… if working, log to Roon or else after.

Apple hide the Home Folder in User Library at some time depending on OS System…
When you have clicked your Home Folder, and cannot see the Library Folder in there,
just do a ‘‘cmd J’’ to show the folder settings preferences and see at the bottom…
click Show Library Folder and then you’ll have access to the rest forever.

Starting for new Audirvana:
Close Audirvana

Go to the Main Library Folder… PrivilegedHelperTools folder…
Trash All the files in that folder from Audirvana (that folder install SysOptimizer)
Go to the Main Library Folder… LaunchDaemons Folder…
Trash All the files in that folder from Audirvana (SystemOptimizer and prefs files)
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Applications Support… Audirvana Folder…
Trash All the files in that folder (that is your database of music, back it up! or not)
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Cookies…
Trash com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus.binarycookies
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Preferences…
trash com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus.plist and com.audirvana.Audirvana.plist in that folder (those are A+ software preferences, back them up or not)
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Caches… com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus
trash the files in that folder.

Restart MAC.

This will reset pretty much Audirvana like new. You will need you serial number.

Open Audirvana, enter serial, choose a library folder at first it will sync in top middle of main window… LET IT GO, even better don’t try to adjust windows or edit files, even playing music while it is not finished… you’ll see the progress bar going… Could be long the first time depending on how large your library is, and MAC is fast or not… go to sleep if it is too long :slight_smile:

Then when finished, shut down Audirvana, yes close it before playing a song… That way you will have your database from scratch saved without crashing. Then copy the .sqlite file to somewhere else as a backup, then open Audirvana, and try to play a song.

You got brand new interface and new sound… Go to Audirvana menu and select preferences… look at them all, then click on speaker icon in the bottom right main window… select your DAC, then the arrow right of it and look at all the preferences there too… ready, click library icon on top left, click cover if you prefer covers over tracks mode… cmd + or - will make covers bigger or smaller… click a cover to see all songs of that album… do cmd i to see the info panel (or click little tag icon on right middle border of Audirvana window) of that album, click a song or select them all with cmd A and see all their infos to be edited by you, if needed… double click a song and listen, be happy :slight_smile:

Resolu un grand merci à RunHomeSlow
Thanks a lot

J’ai fait la totale
Re installation osX
Puis Onyx
Puis les conseils de RunHomeSlow

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