Audirnava 3 won't play with my DAC

when I select my DAC (Marantz HD-DAC1) the tracks won’t play. All I get is “Loading first track” but nothing else?
I tried using my B&W MM1 speakers and then it worked just fine. Any ideas what to try?


Idem avec mon UD501.

Guynogues, My TEAC UD-503 DAC wouldn’t work at all with Plus 3. Tracks wouldn’t load, hangups etc. It was very frustrating for 24 hours.
Then I contacted Damien via Facebook. He sent the fix detailed below. I assure you, it works, at least with the 503. Everything functions perfectly now, including MQA.
This is what Damien said:

"There is an issue in TEAC 503 DACs that makes it incompatible with the MQA devices detection routine. Until TEAC fixes this with an update firmware, I’ve made a build specifically for these TEAC DACs, with the MQA device management disabled: "

I would install the update to Plus 3 that was quickly released, and then install this patch. I sincerely hope it works as well with the UD-501 (which I used to own) as it does with the 503.

Bonne chance!

Please see my posts here and if you can on Computer Audiophile-CA #110/169/214 under thread Official Audirvana Plus 3… thread under ‘software’.
Is my problem similar to all of yours or a variation of my problem- if so Damien may have a problem but i haven’t heard from ANYBODY at Audirvana yet.

Thank You, it works now with my UD501
But I don’t see why TEAC would make a software change on its DAC for it to work with Audirvana.

Here is the important quote:

“There is an issue in TEAC 503 DACs that makes it incompatible with the MQA devices detection routine.”

The problem is between the MQA code and the TEAC DAC. The problem is not with the Audirvana code. If TEAC wants to work with MQA, they need to fix their device.

Damien has sorted this out for me too. My DAC now works fine. Many thanks for splendid support :slight_smile:

Best regards

Hi Wise People Out There.

My DAC (Zero Dual, 24/96) is connected to my Mac via optical and not via USB. Is there any risk upgrading to A+3 and finding out that it does not work anymore?

Side question : Is it possible to try A+3 before upgrading ? My main concerns being about the Library Management issues, but not the Sound Quality, because on that side A+ is a Dream for me.


Hi Damien.
I had the same problem with the TEAC UD501. The patch you made works well.
But does it mean that MQA streams are not possible now?

Audirvana improves every time. Thanks


Hi Damien

I had the same problem whil playing through my Marantz NA8005 DAC.
The patch has sorted it out. I get the MQM indication on the top right of the Audirvana 3.
Thanks indeed

Je viens de constater que la version refuse de jouer la version DSD128 d’un extrait du songe d’une nuit d’été de Mendelssohn par Ivan Fischer. Pas de pb avec la 2.6.6


Please read my thread in this forum entitled Audirvana Plus 3.0 CLEAN INSTALL. I just posted this morning after some late evening and early morning explorations. It just might resolve some of your problems in this thread and answer some questions you’ve been having.

If you had used the 3.0 with a DAC having compatibility issues with the MQA DAC detection routine, you need to reboot the DAC USB interface before being able to play again with the special build.
For this you just need to unplug, wait a few seconds, then replug your DAC USB connection.

I had the same problem while playing through my Marantz SA8005 DAC and some hours of sadness. The update 3.0.2 has solved the problem or the upgrade to A+ 2.6.6. Thanks. But: Why could not identified the problem with MQA in extern DACs through betatesting?!

The issue of having beta testers who had not such DAC :frowning:

Le titre du DSD128 “songe d’une nuit d’été” est très long quand on le telecharge sur le site NativeDSD. En le réduisant de façon assez conséquente il passe sans pb.