Audirvana 3.0.4 - Sysoptimizer

Has someone the same Problems?
I have music but not System optimized…
Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-09 um 17.09.36.png
Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-09 um 17.10.10.png
Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-09 um 17.09.36.png
Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-09 um 17.10.10.png

Have you entered your admin password when prompted? This is an authorisation failure error.

Yes I have entered the admin Password.
Nevertheless the same Problem
Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-10 um 19.36.03.png
Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-10 um 19.36.03.png


I Have the same problem.

3.0.5 has just been released!

Now 3.0.4 ist working . Please don´t ask why. I don´t know it.

3.0.5 working fine. Thanks for fix.

Hi everybody, I’m on 3.0.5 and still have that Sysoptimizer error problem, any ideas?

You can try deleting the SysOpt preference file
Go to the main Library Folder… PrivilegedHelperTools Folder…
Trash the com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus file

Restart MAC just to be sure… it will ask again to reinstall SysOpt when starting first song
and hoping this time will be the last :slight_smile:

I did that, and still the same error… I checked and it didn’t even re-create the com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus file.

I don’t know if it could work, but i .zip my 2 files and put them on my dropbox…

You can unzip it, put the 2 files in the folder of your computer, restart mac and see, can’t hurt i guess they are just preferences files.
If don’t work just trash them and wait for Damien :slight_smile:

Well I tried that and it didn’t change a single s***, anyway I thank you for your help !