Audirvana 3.5 licence with Audirvana Studio?

Hi all,
Is it possible to use an existing Audirvana 3.5 licence with Audirvana Studio or is it necessary to purchase a new licence for Audirvana Studio?
Thank you.

They’re totally separate products, and you can no longer buy 3.5.
You can’t buy a licence for AS either, of course, you can only rent it pay for a subscription to it.

I see. Thank you.

Is the audio processing the same across the two products, only the interface different?

Try the free 1 month trial then decide

I’ll give it a shot. Thank you.

No, the sound is different.

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Different sound, but better in Studio. :slight_smile: for my taste…
Remote, not.

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My guess about sound quality is subjective. I don’t have expensive gear or the best of the best, so AS and 3.5 sound pretty much the same here. In my case, both are excellent. That said I prefer AS. For it’s interface and that it also supports radio stations.

I’ve actually gotten two subscriptions for AS. One for my Mac in the living room, and another for my Windows laptop in my office. I’ve found it irritating that I had to sign in or out everytime I wish to use the other computer.

Even though I’m using 2 different e-mail adresses for each account, they do sync. If I add an album to my favourites on one, it also shows up on the other. Which is neat. :smiley: