Audirvana 3.5 Not Playing Tidal

I was using Audirvāna 3.5 for a long time. But then I signed up for Studio and was pretty happy with it for the past one year. However it is up for renewal now but wanted to play with 3.5 for a couple of days before renewing the Studio. Can’t shake the feeling that I’ll be paying too much for Studio over a period of time.

But I’m unable to play Tidal in 3.5. I click to play a track and it says Loading…then says unable to load track error. I just uninstalled existing 3.5 and downloaded and installed 3.5.50 from the website. But same issue continues.

Local files play just fine. Issue is only with Tidal.

It’s known issue with 3.5. Tidal made some changes and it no longer works. Audirvana is working with Tidal to get this resolved (revert back the changes).

Hey, thanks a lot for the response.

Sounds like a bummer :frowning:

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Totally. Roon?

Or Audirvana Studio.

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