Audirvana crashes with Chord Mojo

Tried to use the beta version of Audirvana with Chord Mojo ASIO driver for Windows 10 and it crashes on startup. Memory goes to very high values on task manager and the Audirvana doesn’t even come up showing. Eventually it complains about SQLdatabase corruption, and suggests to delete the file. I tried to do that but the issue persists.

Thanks for the feedback

Can you get some crash log by:

  1. launch the Event Viewer application
  2. Open Windows logs, then Application
  3. Search for an entry from Windows Error Reporting, with id 1001 (crash)

The details of the entry should be about AudirvanaPlus.exe

It may also mention a file where the crash log details are stored.
Can you then send me by PM this log entry text, and the attached file (if exists)?

This will be very helpful to pinpoint where the crash has occured.

Is it also crashing when the Chord Mojo is not connected? If yes, I’ll try installing its ASIO driver to reproduce the issue

Hi Damien,
The logs created by the crash are in a zip file and it seems that I cannot attach here this kind of file. I don’t know if it’s supposed or not (first time I’m on this forum), or how do you want me to send these to you. Is there another mail address ? Or you are looking for a particular filename. Also I can tell that Audirvana crashes as soon as I launch it with chord mojo connected and on. Otherwise, without chord mojo connected I already listened Tidal streaming without any problems. If that’s important I’m using windows 10, with latest upgrades, and I have 16 GB RAM on a Lenovo X1 Carbon.
All the best

Just sent you a PM

Audirvana crashes here with my T+A DAC 8 DSD. If I switch to Asio Audirvana crashes immediatly. The T+A isn’t connected in Audirvana. The next Start I get the message about a basd database.

Best regards

2018-06-12 (1).jpg
2018-06-12 (1).jpg

Hello here are the logs:

Fehlerbucket , Typ 0
Ereignisname: AppHangTransient
Antwort: Nicht verfügbar
CAB-Datei-ID: 0

P1: AudirvanaPlus.exe
P3: 5b1fd826
P4: unknown
P5: unknown
P6: unknown
P7: unknown

Angefügte Dateien:

Diese Dateien befinden sich möglicherweise hier:

Es wird erneut nach einer Lösung gesucht: 0
Berichts-ID: c65e56e9-63bb-4060-a14a-e490d5ac9f47
Berichtstatus: 2049
Bucket mit Hash:
CAB-Datei-Guid: 0

1001 4 0 0x80000000000000 7584 Application Arbeits-PC - 0 AppHangTransient Nicht verfügbar 0 AudirvanaPlus.exe 5b1fd826 unknown unknown unknown unknown \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER3F95.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER3FC5.tmp.xml \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER3FC4.tmp.csv \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER3FE4.tmp.txt 0 c65e56e9-63bb-4060-a14a-e490d5ac9f47 2049 0

I use Chord Mojo as well. All my listening is with Tidal.
It works well with no upsampling
With Master files (MQA) I hear a clicking sound 10-15 sec into playback that does not go away.
I can upsample to 2X but anything higher will sound full of high pitch noise, clicking sound and basically sound not music. This happens 10-15 sec into playback.
In terms of SQ, I need to check it against my Mac min with Audirvana when I get back home (on vacation now) but it is a lot better than Tidal app.

MQA seems fixed.
Upsample to DSD still not good (both drivers)
Upsample to Power of 2 still not good (both drivers)

Debug info for DSD below:

SoX to DSD64 with filter type A 4th order
SoX filter parameters
Bandwidth at 0dB = 99.5
Filter max length = 30000
Anti-aliasing = 100
Phase = 73

Polarity Inversion:
Globally: OFF
Per track: ON

Library Settings:
Sync list: 0 folders
Library database path: C:\Users\MHadjdai\AppData\Local\Audirvana\AudirvanaPlus\AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite

Active streaming services

=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

Local Audio Engine:WASAPI
Preferred device: Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) Model UID:Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) UID:\?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{9ce89491-e97f-41d4-801d-d1be2327781b}#{e6327cad-dcec-4949-ae8a-991e976a79d2}

Active Sample Rate: 384kHz

Selected device:
Local audio device
Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) Manufacturer:
Model UID:Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) UID:\?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{9ce89491-e97f-41d4-801d-d1be2327781b}#{e6327cad-dcec-4949-ae8a-991e976a79d2}

10 available sample rates up to 768000Hz
Physical (analog) volume control: No
Virtual (digital) volume control: No
Auto-detect MQA devices: Yes
Not a MQA device, user set to not MQA
DSD capability: DSD via PCM 1.1
Preferred stereo channels L:0 R:1
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: No
Simple stereo device: No

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream(s)
Channel #0 :Stream 0 channel 0
Channel #1 :Stream 0 channel 1
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 44.1kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 44.1kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 44.1kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 48kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 48kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 48kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 88.2kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 88.2kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 88.2kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 96kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 96kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 96kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 176.4kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 176.4kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 192kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 192kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 352.8kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 352.8kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 384kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 384kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 705.6kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 705.6kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 768kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 768kHz

Local devices found : 2
Device #0: Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio) Manufacturer: Model UID: Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio) UID: \?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{c985204c-83e3-4509-8633-314b499e20d8}#{e6327cad-dcec-4949-ae8a-991e976a79d2}
Device #1: Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) Manufacturer: Model UID: Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) UID: \?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{9ce89491-e97f-41d4-801d-d1be2327781b}#{e6327cad-dcec-4949-ae8a-991e976a79d2}

UPnP devices found : 0

Debug info for power of 2 below:

SoX with Power Of Two upsampling
SoX filter parameters
Bandwidth at 0dB = 99.5
Filter max length = 30000
Anti-aliasing = 100
Phase = 73

Polarity Inversion:
Globally: OFF
Per track: ON

Library Settings:
Sync list: 0 folders
Library database path: C:\Users\MHadjdai\AppData\Local\Audirvana\AudirvanaPlus\AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite

Active streaming services

=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

Local Audio Engine:WASAPI
Preferred device: Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) Model UID:Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) UID:\?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{9ce89491-e97f-41d4-801d-d1be2327781b}#{e6327cad-dcec-4949-ae8a-991e976a79d2}

Active Sample Rate: 384kHz

Selected device:
Local audio device
Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) Manufacturer:
Model UID:Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) UID:\?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{9ce89491-e97f-41d4-801d-d1be2327781b}#{e6327cad-dcec-4949-ae8a-991e976a79d2}

10 available sample rates up to 768000Hz
Physical (analog) volume control: No
Virtual (digital) volume control: No
Auto-detect MQA devices: Yes
Not a MQA device, user set to not MQA
DSD capability: DSD via PCM 1.1
Preferred stereo channels L:0 R:1
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: No
Simple stereo device: No

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream(s)
Channel #0 :Stream 0 channel 0
Channel #1 :Stream 0 channel 1
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 44.1kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 44.1kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 44.1kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 48kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 48kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 48kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 88.2kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 88.2kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 88.2kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 96kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 96kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 96kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 176.4kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 176.4kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 192kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 192kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 352.8kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 352.8kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 384kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 384kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 705.6kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 705.6kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 768kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 768kHz

Local devices found : 2
Device #0: Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio) Manufacturer: Model UID: Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio) UID: \?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{c985204c-83e3-4509-8633-314b499e20d8}#{e6327cad-dcec-4949-ae8a-991e976a79d2}
Device #1: Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) Manufacturer: Model UID: Digital Output (Chord Async USB 44.1kHz-768kHz) UID: \?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{9ce89491-e97f-41d4-801d-d1be2327781b}#{e6327cad-dcec-4949-ae8a-991e976a79d2}

UPnP devices found : 0

Sorry MQA playback is not fixed. There is a clicking sound using both drivers.

Do I need any other info from me?

MQA playback issue is now fixed on latest release.
I still had issues with DSD upsample when Mojo was directly connected to computer but was able to upsample to DSD 64 when I had Schiit Eitr between computer and Mojo.
Will test soon with a difernt dell laptop which is more powerful than the current one.

Posted in wrong thread. Please remove.

This is the debugging of my configuration with the Chord Mojo connected in ASIO mode.

SoX not in use
SoX filter parameters
Bandwidth at 0dB = 99.5
Filter max length = 30000
Anti-aliasing = 100
Phase = 73

Polarity Inversion:
Globally: OFF
For track: ON

Library Settings:
Sync list: 1 folders
AUTO: C: \ Users \ Salv_G \ Downloads \
Library database path: C: \ Users \ Salv_G \ AppData \ Local \ Audirvana \ AudirvanaPlus \ AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite

Active streaming services
Qobuz: ON

=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

Local Audio Engine: ASIO 2 driver version 2
Preferred device: ASIO Chord 1.05 Model UID: ASIO Chord 1.05 UID: ASIO Chord 1.05

Currently playing in Integer Mode:
Device: 2ch 32bits Integer, 8 bytes per 192kHz frame

Active Sample Rate: 192kHz

Selected device:
Local audio device
ASIO Chord 1.05 Manufacturer:
Model UID: ASIO Chord 1.05 UID: ASIO Chord 1.05

10 available sample rates up to 768000Hz
Physical (analog) volume control: No
Virtual (digital) volume control: No
Auto-detect MQA devices: Yes
Not a MQA device, user set to MQA Renderer
DSD capability: DSD via PCM 1.1
Preferred stereo channels L: 0 R: 1
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: No
Simple stereo device: Yes

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream (s)
Channel # 0: Stream 0 channel 0
Channel # 1: Stream 0 channel 1
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 44.1kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 48kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 88.2kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 96kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 176.4kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 192kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 352.8kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 384kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 705.6kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 32bit little endian 768kHz

Local devices found: 1
Device # 0: ASIO Chord 1.05 Manufacturer: Model UID: ASIO Chord 1.05 UID: ASIO Chord 1.05

UPnP devices found: 0