Audirvana in VirtualBox Windows 10 Pro


i decided to change my main OS to Linux. Now i want to use my Audirvana within a VirtualBox Windows 10 Pro Setup. But after installation and start Audirvana i got this Error “Unknown Software Error: 0xe0434352”.
How can i get this working in my VM Windows? Thanks.

Hello @Bugs,

Can you check this link following the error you have in Windows 10?

I have reinstalled Windows. Now it is working.

Hi @Bugs
What hardware do you use?
Windows seems to have the best integration of audio interfaces. Does your virtual setup of windwos allow A to transmit the full bitrate and to transmit DSD directly not over PCM.
Macs only allow DSD over PCM with half of the real existing bitrate.
Thank you for a short answer.