Audirvana Origin No settings tab when desktop app is open

I have paid for the Audirvana Origin and want to access the settings tab, but it does not exist. In the app on my mac it has 4 tabs Audio / Library / Appearance / my account, but no settings tab. I just signed up for Qobuzz and want to connect to it.

Why didā€™nt they say this in there pricing modelā€¦ could have saved a lot of time knowing thisā€¦ Iā€™m going to see if they have a refund policyā€¦ What a joke on the customer

I thought it was pretty clear, but it certainly could be confusing. Donā€™t stress, talk to @Antoine and he will sort it out for you. Audirvāna is always very fair to their customers about these issues.

Hello @Curt,

It is clearly stated on our website that Audirvāna Origin do not have streaming in it. I invite you to go on our pricing page to see this:

And of course, you can get a refund of your purchase. You need to contact our merchant of record to do this at under the tab Support>Refunds and cancellation

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Can you just credit my account with one of your streaming services? I want to give your product a chanceā€¦ Thank you Antoineā€¦
Audirvāna Origin license key:

Just a suggestion for future customersā€¦ If you could put in brackets ( This one does Not allow for streaming ) at the bottom of the first optionā€¦ that would be great!

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