Audirvana Plus database file location

Audirvana Plus database file location involuntarily changes. Each time it migrates, I have to set it back to the right location. Damien, could you please deal with this bug? I am using v. 3.1.5.

What do you mean by “each times it migrates”?
If you move the database file with the Finder, Audirvana Plus will still find it

For example, I put the database file in Music folder and I select that file in the preference. After a while, when I restart Mac and start A+, the preference says A+ database file location is in Application support folder even though I still keep the file in Music folder. So, I select again the database file in Music folder in the preference. These things repeat again and again.

Maybe, I should uninstall A+ completely, reinstall A+ again and see what will happen.