Audirvana Plus?

Hi, I wanted to know what Audirvana Plus is since I have seen it in some review articles but I can’t find it on your website.

I would also like to know if I can use my VAT number when I buy Audirvana to be deducted from this tax as I am an intra-community operator.

Thanks in advance

Hello @Diegolum,

What is the difference between Audirvana Plus and Audirvana?

None. We recently decided to simply name our software “Audirvana” and no longer “Audirvana Plus”. The “Plus” was originally added because we thought of having a premium version of the software.

But down the road, deactivating features ion order to design a “basic” version seemed artificial. Now, this “Plus” is useless and creates confusion among some of our customers. Our brand name is our product: Audirvana.

You can do this right before you need to put your credit card information, you will see and option to add the VAT number. (the option in on the right, in french TVA is VAT)

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