Audirvana Studio cannot be turned off

I can’t turn off Audirvana Studio at the end of the listening at all.
I think it will have something to do with syncing a library that keeps syncing all the time. It does this even after updating to 1.1.
Please fix library sync error and resolve AS shutdown.
Otherwise excellent sound compared to 3.5, I hope it tunes and I will be able to enjoy the great music that AS produces.

Lubo from Slovakia.

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Same experience here.

Martin from Czech Republic

You can turn down (stop function of player) by clicking on the lock button situated in the right side just to the left of speaker icon. Is this what you needed.
So before changing your player device you should click on this. it will open automatically when you play a new music

I don’t mean turning off the song but turning off the whole Audirvana Studio.

Same I just go to my task manager and Just end AS task for it to completely close

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It seems to be related to syncing function. When I selected whole music folder on my disk to be synced, it never finished and I was unable to close the app via normal controls. As soon as I deleted and re-created the database without added local directories or only with one small subdirectory, I could close the application normally.

Yes, I also turn off Audirvana Studio in the file manager. But it bothers me that it doesn’t work properly! Surely this will be because it is still in sync with the local library. Damian please fix this in the next update.

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Since some albums are not in Qobuz, I have them in the local library, so it is important to have your own albums in Audirvana Studio.
Does anyone know anything to turn off the AS with the cross in the upper right corner?

Same issue here, AS turns frozen and I have to terminate via taskmanager. Closing AS via taskbar is working but it is still running in the background >>> as taskmanager proofs. If AS is in frozen state I get this error message when I try to execute any function on the UI. Without having played any track before I can terminate AS as intended. I am on Windows 10 21H1.