Audirvana Studio on Windows 11 randomly resulting in Blue Screen crash

Am currently evaluating Audirvana Studio since past 2-3 days. I have connected my USB-SPDIF converter/ DAC over USB and setup to play in ‘kernel streaming mode’. It plays quite well but for the below issue.

While selecting a track to play in AS, randomly (happened thrice so far) my windows 11 (with update 22H2) PC crashes with Blue Screen -giving WDF_violation error. Upon analyzing the dump files, we found usbaudio2.sys module/driver crashed (WDF_VIOLATION (10d)/The Kernel-Mode Driver Framework was notified that Windows detected an error in a framework-based driver)

Pl let me know if anyone else faced similar issue, especially after updating W11 to 22H2 and any possible solution.

Best regards

Hmm. I’m not using Windows anymore, apart from gaming, but have you tried a different output option like WASAPI? It is Windows own build in system and should be the most reliable.

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Thanks for the response; I could solve it by reinstalling the D2D driver. Audirvana plays beautifully now! :slight_smile:


Nice one. Happy listening :smiley:

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