Audirvana Studio - Questions and Suggestions

First of all:
I like it! Everything is clean and not cluttered. And I like the filter function.

Will there be a way to remove “Radio” and “Podcasts” from the left bar and from the search results? I don’t listen to radio or podcasts.

The playlist covers are rectangular instead of square. A bug?
Will there be a “playlist cover view” (like Spotify)?

And what is this “Home-Icon” all about? Its everywhere and not clickable.

I think it is an indication that the resource associated is local to your computer, as opposed to originating from online services

Autre suggestion: lorsque l’on effectue une recherche, seuls le “titre” ou le “Compositeur” aboutissent à une liste par “Piste”. Je souhaiterai que l’ “Artiste” aboutisse également à une liste par “Titre”.