Audirvāna Studio Trial Extension

And what about sound quality. Is A3.5 significantly superior to A3.2?

Not enough to continue fighting with a remarkably inferior interface, in my opinion.

As far as I know, the access key, for 3.5, should also work for 3.2.20, if you’re able to find it available for download anywhere.

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Thank you.
Actually, I asked you these questions out of curiosity. I have A2.5, but do not have A3.5.

I use A3.5 since a few days, since a friend lent me his activation key, because I wanted to check the report of @VoyagerDude about issues with the sound quality of AS on the bit-perfect thread.

But I’ll tell my friend to look into it and to try to test A3.2.20.

Whoever flags my posts, and I think that I know who the flagger is, just renders them more intriguing for the other users to read. :slight_smile:


That’s because you’re not posting screenshots :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Maybe we should open a Kinder Gardner Thread,
where anyone can do whatever they want :slight_smile:


I agree, it seems a bunch of spoiled kiddies took over the thread.

Hi @Doudou

I will come clean . I have been a Roon user for 5 years and a JRiver user for 10 years, I always like to keep abreast of what software is available . I bought Audirvana 3.5 to see what it did, I wasn’t particularly impressed but I simply silently stopped using it . No fuss no abuse no complaints even just stopped.

When AS came along I looked again expecting better things , I saw even less I liked and my primary HiFi streamer (Cambridge Audio CXN V1) simply didn’t work, My trial was a non starter. The absence of the Remote app was the real cruncher.

I am a regular contributor to the Roon forum and see lots of ups and downs there most of which come down to sub optimal network set up rather than Roon per se. (Roon is quite resource demanding). There are more Lifetime members that are happy than unhappy from my take.

Personally I slipped up by NOT buying lifetime when I started but I was uncertain whether I would stay . I am 71 now so a lifetime now would mean 6 years payback ie 77 , am I that confident of my longevity :innocent:?

Roon has its flaws, what software doesn’t, but in general it fits my style of listening , I swapped JRiver & Wikipedia for Roon !!. I still actively use both Roon and JRiver and find them both excellent in different ways. Until you have used Roon for a concerted period (Ie longer than the 2 weeks free trial) you cannot hope to even scratch the surface of what it has to offer . I am sure AS has the same learning curve in its own way.

I certainly don’t consider myself a MORON for choosing Roon and I do not need to convince myself that I did the right thing , neither do the majority of Roon Lifetime users.

“Each to his own” is a good phrase (sorry English phrase) , “Horses for Courses” is the other. Just because someone doesn’t share your opinion doesn’t necessarily make that opinion wrong !!

Maybe give Roon a Look over you may well be surprised. They now have a Monthly sub scheme so you can extend the trial relatively cheaply . Roon may appear expensive but $120 per annum is not really a big issue (even to me as a pensioner !!) but $12 a month is on par with what you pay for say Tidal or Qobuz. Roon revolutionizes Tidal integration in a way that AS doesn’t .

Civility in forums is to be hoped for but unfortunately rarely found . I believe Roon have actually suspended a number of users for non civil behaviour , good for them

Let’s also remember that Roon doesn’t support DLNA at all but only its own streaming system. Weirdly enough, the Cambridge Audio CXN V1 doesn’t seem to be supported by Roon (but maybe that’s just an omission on their supported device list).
Anyway, even if I wanted to use Roon (which I don’t, Audirvana’s new price is already very high for me, and since I don’t use streaming and won’t, it doesn’t seem to be the kind of product designed for me) I couldn’t use it with my network player because of that.


I couldn’t agree more ! I think Tidal offers more versions per album, but I never saw an obi. I was expecting a service like Qobuz to be evolving towards the recognition of various masters, but it seems they dropped the ball a long time ago now.

streaming services also lean heavily towards artists with the most financial backing… If you know anything about the payola scandal in the early music charts, it was nothing compared to how the streaming companies push their’favoured’ artists, the ones who make them most profit at the expense of new and interesting music.

Stop flagging other people’s posts, please.


For me the reasons of using AS are (in order):

  1. sq
  2. dsd upsampling
  3. vst3 support
  4. qobuz integration
  5. radio stations

I didn’t find a better solution until now (i’m a new user).

I have both Roon and Audirvana.

One thing that has puzzled me is the amount of users posting on this forum saying that Roon’s sound quality is inferior to Audirvana. For me I detect little difference, if anything Audirvana has a bit more “attack”, which is not something I particularly favour. To be honest if you have decent audio equipment, decent router and stable broadband I’m not sure that sound quality between Roon, Audirvana, Amazon,Itunes and Spotify (when they come on board with Hi Res) will be all that different. After that it’s just a balancing act between price and features and presentation, in which case Roon probably wins out at this current time.

No. The difference was audible at the first touch even for my wife who not listen too much music. I have probabily a medium equipement (an inline usb dac with acoustic tube 32/384 dsd 128) and broadband fiber net. Maybe with some adjustments (some plugins for example) the sound may be equivalent, i don’t know.

I also have both Audirvana 3.5 and Roon and have perceived A+ as being a bit less muffled for certain content. However, I must admit that this is entirely subjective - it is not easy to gauge this without any bias.

With regard to @MikeO’s comment above, I may say I was one of the persons permanently suspended from the Roon forum for allegedly “non civil behaviour”; in fact, this Stalin-like purge, for which there was no prior warning or real justification other than the typical woke culture reaction against inconvenient opinions (as opposed to personal offenses or anything like that), constituted a clear infringement of consumer rights since, as a paid lifetime subscriber, I now have no access to the only real channel of communication with staff and fellow users for support needs.

In response, they ridiculously tried to explain that I can send my requests via their generic customer form, and that the community forum is not part of the contract when purchasing a Roon subscription.

As I have a LOT more things to do with my time than bothering about this, I still have not made a formal complaint, but still intend to - I have never seen, throughout my Internet years, such absurdly disrespectful behavior vis-à-vis paid customers. Even in the MOST egregious cases where people cannot behave, there are always time-limited suspensions before a definitive ban is applied. In the case of the “Purged 24”, this was never done.

In fact, these “suspensions” (which were in fact bans) originated from the same kind of children who flag other people’s posts just for the sake of it.

So yes, I do feel stupid for giving them USD 700 just a few months ago (and yes, I do have a lot of disposable income) - but if it were today, they would get zero dollar from me, and I would no longer recommend Roon to anyone .


That phrase alone probably explains your ban.

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Of course it does; stalinists are popular these days.

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you too often mention the politics on the forum about audio devices and music. but at the same time you complain that you were permanently banned for such things. I see no reason to complain

do you have any problems with Stalin? discuss it with a psychologist or somewhere else

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What policy about devices?

I meant ‘politics’