Audirvana Studio wont load

My Audirvana Studio software wont load. I am getting the following message:
Error: UnhandledException: The parameter is incorrect

Im using a PCwith Windows 10 … the software worked perfectly prior!

Any advice please!



Antoine will be back in the office tomorrow daytime (in Paris).

But you could try a reinstall of Audirvana Studio. You can download the latest version if you log into your account on

Click on the Download button. In the next screen it should start downloading the setup file automatically. You can also choose a version there (Mac or Windows).

Hello @TriodeFan ,

Can you send us your audirvana.dmp and audirvana.log file at

It can be in two different locations :
C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Packages\Audirvana.Audirvana-[… id number that can vary]\LocalCache\Local\Audirvana\Audirvana
C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Audirvana\Audirvana

to show AppData folder:

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