Best setup for sound

I have my MacBook Pro connected to the router with ethernet and my Onkyo TX-8150 network receiver also connected with ethernet.
Is this setup the best possible with my gear or can I improve it somehow?

That’s the best you can do.

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I see that the volume slider appears in the remote app with this setup, is this correct? The volume control in Audirvana is not enabled.

Yes it is still visible when disabled, but it does not do anything. Probably it would be more intuitive if the slider was grayed out or not visible at all.

I can change the volume on my receiver with it!
It’s like the remote app takes over the Onkyo app :smiley:

Volume control in the Audirvāna settings is disabled and I still can change the volume on my stereo receiver.
The volume level indicator on the stereo changes simultaneously when I change the volume in the remote app.

Yes, that’s a feature with compatible devices.

So the signal is still bitperfect and unprocessed?

Yes, it just commands your device to change the volume.

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That’s perfect, thanks for clarifying this!:+1:

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I’d have a volume limit set on your receiver to avoid a full throttle speaker test at an inconvenient moment, that control can be touchy at times


I’m not sure my Onkyo-TX-8150 has this feature?

Edit: I found it :wink:

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Move your Ethernet connections to optical so to remove the inherent RF and EMF related noise gremlins of copper-wired connections… :sunglasses:

That’s nonsense, he lives inside a faraday cage

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Oh… I didn’t pick-up on that… Heheh :sunglasses:

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I presume then, the playback system resides on an isolated power/ground-plane grid as well… :sunglasses:

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I would suggest focusing on well-recorded music first. There is plenty of music that is of very low quality. It will sound even worse on a poor audio system.


How does one qualify what is, or what is not a “well-recorded” recording?.. This is a highly subjective perception, produced from a myriad of subjective personal biases… The value of Audirvana Studio is that, given conscientious attention in the amalgamation of playback-system components and tweaks, and attention to RF, EMF, power and ground noise mitigation, one is given the potential to have a clear and unfettered, aural-window into each and every master recording that one may audition through their subjectively personal playback system…

I have my MacBook Pro connected to the router with ethernet and my Onkyo TX-8150 network receiver also connected with ethernet.

Sweet Baby Jesus………leave the kid alone , highly unlikely but he could take some of this utter hogwash as true.
Come back after he gets his 150000 USD Wilson speakers and bat ears transplants :flushed:

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