Audirvāna for LINUX and NAS (QNAP/Synology) officially released

OK, I tried this morning.
First of all, the AS packet was stopped: I tried to restart it but it came quickly to a stop.
So, I removed it and reinstalled the whole thing.

I tried to select the right ethernet I/F: not possible. Restarted the remote.

I tried to sync a folder that contains eaDir: request error with this in the log:
Files synchronization: error No space left on device opening for watching directory: /volume1/Archive_data/Audio3_Diskserver2/Audio3/divers/Francis Lai - 30 Ans De Musiques De Film (1966-1996)/CD1/@eaDir/14. Le corps de mon ennemi.mp3

I tried to sync another folder (without eaDir): it started syncing (it was not working yesterday).
I stopped the process, remove the folder and restart it: this time I go the same error as yesterday:
2024-05-15 12:24:32.100 [error]: Local Library Sync: Files synchronization: error No space left on device opening watching directory: /volume1/Archive_data/Musique_DSRV2_Test

That is weird…

yes i Have one interface veth555b88d it has no ipv4 address on it. Will try to find out where it goes from and try to check again

Removed all interfaces without ipv4. stopped docker for that also. But have the same issue:

2024-05-15 14:16:10.978 [critical]:         =============  Previous crash log  =============        
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: Audirvana Studio crash log
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: Date: 2024-5-15 11:15:15
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: 
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: Signal: SIGSEGV
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: 
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0xfe341c)[0x56332900041c]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f12afb67520]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x25f4a8)[0x56332827c4a8]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x25e218)[0x56332827b218]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1ea05b)[0x56332820705b]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1eda43)[0x56332820aa43]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1ae5bf)[0x5633281cb5bf]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f12afbbeee8]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1ae842)[0x5633281cb842]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1ed7ac)[0x56332820a7ac]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1ed60a)[0x56332820a60a]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1ae6c8)[0x5633281cb6c8]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1ae5bf)[0x5633281cb5bf]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f12afbbeee8]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1ae842)[0x5633281cb842]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1ae08c)[0x5633281cb08c]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0xfe10f8)[0x563328ffe0f8]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f12afb4ed90]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f12afb4ee40]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: /opt/audirvana/studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1690e5)[0x5633281860e5]
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: 
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: 
2024-05-15 14:16:10.979 [critical]: Fault location: 0x0

And now, after having stopped and restarted AS, I managed to start syncing the folder WITHOUT the eaDir, but the other one (WITH eaDir) still does not work with the same error message.

Regarding the default directory to select a folder, I would personally prefer to point to the root directory where volume1 (at least) is visible.
In my case, /var/services/music is not empty but only contains an eaDir folder.

In such a case I have to go up to three level by selecting the … directry to reach volume1

In your case it’ll default to /

Regarding the folder returning an error, the error is coming from inotify unable to monitor the folder for changes.
what are this folder/volume access rights ?
Or is this volume actually full ?

I’m not sure that in my case the default is /. If that was the case, I would see volume1 appearing and I’m not. I have to select “…” three times to go up to “/” and be able to see volume1.
My guess is that the default dir is /var/services/music as you specified, since the folder is not considered as empty (Media indexing is enabled on that folder I think).
Regarding the folder I try to sync with AS, it’s the one I’m trying to sync with AS on my Mac Mini, and it works.
That folder is mounted in both cases as a CIFS volume.

On that folder, I checked the permissions and it says that “everyone” has read and exec access.
But if I try to add “audirvana-studio” with read/exec permission, my Syno replies that the folder does not support Windows ACL.

To be continued…

Regarding the default folder, this is for the build I’m about to release, not the one you have.
And I’ve changes it to default to the parent folder of the music one, so /volume1
This is meant to easily select the music folder and add it at once.

For the folder permissions, can you check using the web interface, as described in this thread? Synology - Running, but not adding folders - #27 by rlw6534

Ok, understood.
Regarding the folders in question, I use one common shared folder (Archive_data) which hosts two remote folders, mounted via CIFS.

I checked the permissions of that shared folder but as it includes both subfolders (the one that works, and the one that does not, or at least in some cases), it could not be a problem with access right to that shared folder.

The first one (Audio3_Diskserver2) includes a subfolder called Audio3, and that is the one that does not work.
The second one is named “Musique_DSRV2_Test”, and is the one that does not contain eaDir folders, and the one that works with AS.

If we look at permissions for the second folder (Audio3 directory), I can see that the main user (BigMaster) owns read and write permissions.

Keep on investigating…

And I’ve now released the (minor) update Studio and Origin with:

  • Strengthen network interfaces discovery: @p1ratrulezzz tell me if this fixes your crash
  • Remote > Settings > Local : Add folder now shows by default the parent folder of the user music one.

I mounted one of the subfolder of Audio3 (Jazz), and now I get the following error:local library synchronization - Add folder: error translating path

I don’t see what’s the problem here. There is no mention of the path that failed to be translated…

Can you give me the full path of the folder you’re trying to add ?
And the name of the volume it is on ?

The 'jazz" folder is at the following location: /volume1/Archive_data/Audio3_Jazz
Another strange things: before when I clicked on “open log file” on the remote, I could look at the log directly inside Safari. Now, it asks me if I want to download “debulogs”. I clicked on “Download” and the file is downloaded, end of the story.

I will stop the package, perform an update with your new version and see what happens…

Ok, nothing changed. No more direct access to log files: too big maybe (1.8 Mb)? How can it be restarted from scratch?

Default dir seems now to be the parent folder of music.

Will look at it later…

I think the user you’re giving access to isn’t correct there. Find the user called audirvana studio or smth like that and give them rights to folders you want to map. I just gave that user rights to main share my music is in. Then browser started to work in the remote app.

oh my… it works now, I’m happy finally having this on Linux , cimer

1 Like

Thanks Stan,
But thing is that both folders (The one that works and the other one that does not) have the same access rights.
And when I try to give access rights to the user audirvana-studio, the Syno tells me that Windows ACL is not supported on the folder.

OK, I think I found the reason why I have such problems with AS on the Syno.

Not 100% sure but now I’m able to Sync the folder that did not pass before.

This has apparently something to do with a maximum number of system watches you can put on directories.
This number is put by default at 8192:
cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

As Audirvana apparently put on watch ALL directory it encounters, the total number is rising up very quickly.
And, in addition, if AS includes all @eaDir folders, the number increases even faster.

It’s possible to increase the default value either temporarily or definitevely by the following commands:

sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches= 65536

To make it permanent:


And reload everything without rebooting:
sudo sysctl -p

(Source: tail: cannot watch `/var/log/messages': No space left on device with some mistakes corrected).

But anyway, the best choice for AS would be to grant the user with the possibility to exclude some specific files from the Sync process.


The last two updates excludes/ignores @eaDir files which was the main problem of the first release of the beta.

Maybe but this is not what I saw in the log file (I saw mention of files included in @eaDir folders being analysed). Maybe I’m not using the right version. I’m using the for ARM CPU.

In any case, after having increased the value of that max_user_watches parameter, I’m now able to synchronize my audio folders.
I changed the value again and put it at 1000000, which seems a lot but anyway it works. Knowing that each watch uses 1KB on 64 bits architecture, the limit is the amount of memory to be used by the kernel.

Seems more stable on my side (currently no issue)