Bookmarking songs

Trying to find out how to bookmark a song, if playing an album and you shut down half way though, on return, how do you know we’re to start playing the album from.

You can add the Play Count column in your display window right click in the title bar.

Will give it a try

No luck , what are you calling the title bar?

anywhere in the titles in blue… check the picture where is my mouse…

Still no luck, when I right click a small arrow head appears pointing up when you click it again it points down!

You see my pict, click at that height in the blue names, but in the white between title and duration…

Sorry still no luck I can get the cross up and can move the wording around but not the drop down box

Don’t click on a word that will make the column go A to Z or Z to A
Click on the white spaces between the words… like the green in the picture,
do a right mouse click there. i can’t believe you didn’t try it yet…
Are you on a PC, maybe it can’t be done…

Well I have right clicked on every square millimetre in the place you have shown but no drop down box!!
I’m using a Mac book air so I just don’t know what the problem is will have to give it up I think☹️

does your mouse is set up to have a right click? :slight_smile:

I don’t know I will have to check, I don’t us the Mac for anything else except my music.

Sorted, no right click reset on trackpad now working fine.
Thanks very much for your time and patience :blush:

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