Bought Qobuz Hi Res Files, Audirvana plays just 16 bit

Hello @mahmue, the contact I have at Qobuz answered about the issue you have, this is their answer (translated from French) :
Customers who do not have a Studio or Sublime+ subscription can stream their purchases in CD quality only.
In order for customers without the Studio or Sublime+ offers to listen to their HiRes purchases on Audirvana, they must download their HiRes purchases to their hard drive and play them from the Audirvana library.

That means if you do want to listen to your purchase in Hi-Res, you will need to download them and play it by syncing the folder where they are stored with Audirvana :confused:

Hello Damien,
so it was my bad not to understand the Qobuz logic behind the “bought” Button.
My understanding was that, by using this “Button”, the downloaded files would be played from my storage location. Now I know that this is not the case.
Thank you very much for your effort.
Kind regards

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