Broken-pipe error / frequent hanging

operating ver 3.0.3-
I’m receiving a new message now when I start-up my computer - optimization not possible due to " broken -pipe". Anyone familiar with this?

Also, I’ve found the program hangs all the time. Often force quit is only solution - or wait forever to change songs.

Try link and damien comments here

I installed…let’s see what happens. that has the new SysOptimizer implementation should fix this issue. Please tell me if there is any remaining issue with SysOptimizer.
I intend to release 3.0.4 with it tomorrow or Tuesday.

Bigger issue now is the constant hanging… every song. Fine if I leave just to play album but not longer works to change songs. I have to FORCE QUIT to restart – faster than waiting to stop spinning wheel. Also, I now have to reboot my computer every morning … it just freezes after xx of program open. My MAC is only 2 years old, I have plenty of system capacity so that is not the problem.

I am far more concerned with functionality than fidelity at this point. For the 2x investment now made with this program I want it to work.

Hopefully the next update solves for proper functionality

  1. Can you defragment your database (Library > Optimize library command of the File menu).
  2. Can you elaborate on your computer freezes, you have to reboot it every morning? Do you get any crash report after the reboot? Can you send it to me by email/PM?
    Have you run the computer diagnostics?