Bug de lecture sur studio

étant possesseur d’une licence audirvana 3,5, je suis passé à un abonement studio proposé en promotion sur 2 ans.
après transfert de ma bibliotheque Tidal sur studio, il s’avère que je ne peux pas passer normalement de la lecture d’un album à un autre,parce qu’alors la lecture est remplacée par un buzz desagreable dans les enceintes.sans aucune musique. il me faut donc éteindre le logiciel puis le rallumer, pour que cela fonctionne …le petit cadenas virtuel que l’on me suggère de déconnecter à chaque fois que je veux quitter un morceau (et pas seulement le mettre en pause )ne sert à rien de plus pour pouvoir résoudre ce bug,(et soit dit en passant ce mode de fonctionnement n’est guère pratique à l’usage) : l’interface de studio est confuse et peu explicative… bref, avant que de devoir remigrer vers ma version 3,5 qui marchait très bien, pouvez vous m’indiquer d’ou vient ce problème, et surtout comment le résoudre,et auprès de qui(service apres vente svp?) Je suis sur un mac book pro, en mac os Monterey: relié directement par usb+ relais optique au convertisseur de ma stéréo (audiomat maestro), et j’utilise Tidal en version max.

2/ d’autre part, en faisant migrer mes albums de tidal sur studio, ils ont purement et simplement disparus de audirvana 3,5… puis je les re-telecharger sur l’application audirvana 3,5, sans qu’ils re-disparaissent de studio ?? je voudrais pouvoir utiliser les deux applis (3,5 et studio ) en alternance, ne serait ce que pour pouvoir juger de la différence sonore.
Par avance merci de me répondre , principalement sur le point 1, car ce bug est exaspérant.

Il est peut-être préférable de supprimer l’adresse e-mail et le numéro de téléphone. Il s’agit d’informations sensibles à la vie privée.

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Hello. As @Amarok1969 has posted, it would be wise to delete your private information from your post. Please use the edit tool. I have flagged your post so that hopefully someone from support will see it and edit it, if you have not already done so.
@Damien @Antoine

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Maybe needed two flags for being hide, cause i can see it… flag it too :grinning:

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ok je viens de les supprimer

Mais quelqu’un peut il repondre à mes questions?
j’en ai une autre: l’onglet radios a disparu de la colonne à gauche de l’ecran, après que j’ai réussi à en ouvrir une , ce qui a pris un certain temps ! visiblement il y a un probleme dans l’interface de cette appli… je vais tenter de la desinstaller, puis de la reinstaller, pour voir si cela s’ameliore.

J’utilise Google Translate, donc la grammaire n’est peut-être pas correcte. Les développeurs d’Audirvãna peuvent répondre les jours ouvrables. Les membres du forum ont également beaucoup de connaissances, mais la plupart bénéficieraient d’une traduction en anglais. Dans tous les cas, il est conseillé de coller les debug info ici. Parfois, des erreurs peuvent être identifiées.

ok thank you, i’ve seen that there is a mailing link for speaking directly with the Audirvana’s staff, so i will do that; waiting for it i put here the “debug info” from yesterday to now ( iv’ve tried to use studio withe the internal speakers of my mac: but the sound don’t work too when using the mac with its internal loudspeakers(without usb > DAC)… then it is impossible to change something on the computer sound preference ,and then impossible too to close studio(the code weel turns without stopping…i have to force the closing of the application)
sorry for my english, best regards

Audirvana Studio (20905)

macOS 12.7.6 x86_64 with 16GB physical RAM

Connected account of : Gilles Dentan

Status: available


Polarity Inversion:
	Globally: OFF
	Per track: ON
Effects plugins ACTIVE in realtime mode with new macOS API
	AU plugin #0: Effet - Apple AUGraphicEQ ()
	AU plugin #1: None
	AU plugin #2: None
	AU plugin #3: None

r8brain with 2x upsampling
r8brain filter parameters
Bandwidth = 99.5%
Stop band attenuation 218dB
Phase linear

Max allowed volume: 1.15453
Replay Gain: None
SW volume control: OFF

Sync list: 0 folders
iTunes/Music library synchronization: last synchronized on Fri Nov 29 12:52:40 2024

Library database path: /Users/gillesdentan1/Library/Application Support/Audirvana/AudirvanaDatabase.sqlite

Local audio files fingerprinting
Tracks with no MBID: 1599

Remote Control server:
Listening on on port 49692

TIDAL: Connected as PREMIUM

UI theme: dark
Font size: regular
Language: Langue du système
Show album covers in tracks list: yes
Source list sorted:
Ma Musique
Startup view: Ma Musique : Albums
Show local extended in source list: no
Use media keys: yes
Use media keys for volume control: yes
Use Apple Remote: yes
Number of paired remotes: 0
Remote pairing code required: yes
Screen saver disabled: yes

=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

Active method: Local

Max. memory for audio buffers: 10066MB

Local Audio Engine: CoreAudio
Exclusive access: ON
Integer mode: ON
Use max I/O buffer size: ON
Actual I/O buffer frame size: 512

Preferred device:
Apple Inc. Sortie intégrée
Model UID:AppleHDA:94

Active Sample Rate: 88.2kHz
Hog Mode is off

Bridge settings:
Sample rate limitation: none
Sample rate switching latency: none
Limit bitdepth to 24bit: OFF
Mute during sample rate change: ON

Selected device:Sortie intégrée
Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
Model name: Apple Inc. Sortie intégrée
Model UID: AppleHDA:94
UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,1:0
ID 0x3b

4 available sample rates up to 96000Hz
Audio buffer frame size : 27 to 4096 frames
Current I/O buffer frame size : 512

Volume Control
Physical: No
Virtual: Yes
Max volume alert: Enabled

MQA capability
Auto-detect MQA devices: No
Not automatically detected, user set to not MQA

DSD capability
Unhandled (PCM conversion) with boost gain of 6dB

Device audio channels
Preferred stereo channels L:1 R:2
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1

Audio channels in use
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: No
Simple stereo device: Yes

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream(s)
Channel #0 :Stream 0 channel 0
Channel #1 :Stream 0 channel 1

Stream ID 0x3c 2 channels starting at 1
4 virtual formats:
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 96kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 88.2kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 44.1kHz

12 physical formats
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned high in 32bit 96kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned high in 32bit 88.2kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned high in 32bit 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned high in 32bit 44.1kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 96kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 88.2kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 44.1kHz

Local devices found : 2
Device #0: ID 0x3b Sortie intégrée
Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
Model UID: AppleHDA:94
UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,1:0
Model name: Apple Inc. Sortie intégrée
Device #1: ID 0x2c eqMac
Manufacturer: Bitgapp Ltd
Model UID: EQMDeviceModelUID
UID: EQMDevice
Model name: Bitgapp Ltd eqMac


UPnP devices found : 0


Chromecast devices found : 0

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Maybe you could start with lowering the buffersize. It is now approximately 10Gb. 4Gb should be enough.

@Agoldnear You are pretty at home with MacOS I believe. Do you see anything odd?


Max allowed volume: 1.15453

Set the maximum volume to 100%

The debug report is showing that the default Mac Mini DAC/speaker is your output device… We do not see any external DAC available…

The Audirvāna UI is working properly,

Please connect your DAC via USB… When you do this, close Audirvāna and shut-down the DAC and shut-down the Mac…

Restart your system in this order: Computer (wait for boot) → DAC … When the system has booted and the DAC is powered-on, open Audio MIDI Setup and select your DAC as the output device and configure the ‘Output’ sample-rate to reflect the maximum bit-depth and sample-rate of you DAC…

Device #1: ID 0x2c eqMac
Manufacturer: Bitgapp Ltd
Model UID: EQMDeviceModelUID
UID: EQMDevice
Model name: Bitgapp Ltd eqMac

I suggest that you remove the eqMac software until you have a baseline Audirvāna playback condition, however, for best playback performance do not use this application as it will compete with Audirvāna for Core Audio API’s… Using a Audio Units (AU) plug-in is the preferred method for applying EQ, etc, as you are doing with the Apple EQ … I have had problems with the Apple EQ plug-in and suggest using something like this free application:

When the the System is configured properly with your DAC set as the output device, then launch Audirvāna…

** When you have the DAC connected, please post your debug information report so we can see your configuration for the DAC…*

I agree with @Amarok1969 's advice to lower your playback pre-load memory allocation.

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

hello Agoldnear
i have done what you suggested:
-1/ I restarted the mac(with usb), and the DAC, and all the stereo…
-2/ audio midi settings is on the usb dac outputs
-3/ I’ve put the playback preload memory(“memoire tampon” in french) to 4 GO, instead of 10 GO(i don’t know how it change the result, but maybe you can explain that to me ! )

Then now it seems to work well again: i can change my albums or any music and the system doesn’t “bug” anymore;
The sound is good on my loudspeakers.* i listen too with (very goods)CD player, vinyl turntable, analog tuner, so i will now compare a little bit more with the streaming sound on studio…

-3/ i’ve tested after closing the eq mac (in the settings of studio), and with it : apparently it does not change something .
i probably will buy the equalizer that you suggest to me(but for the moment it is not possible to do the payment on their internet space !)
Anyway, for listening on my stereo system generally i don’t use equalization (except on" flat!" )

for your information, i have 2 mac book pro(they are same models); i use one of them only for listening music on my stereo , with usb and dac (Audiomat maestro); so the only test i’ve done last time with the other one ,was done with its computer speakers: but i don’t use it generally…

Now i will try to well understand how all the studio set up works… i will probably ask it by mail to the Audirvana staff.

Thanks a lot for your help

i put the last debug info below: Tell me…

Audirvana Studio (20905)

macOS 12.7.6 x86_64 with 16GB physical RAM

Connected account of : Gilles Dentan

Status: available


Polarity Inversion:
	Globally: OFF
	Per track: ON
Effects plugins ACTIVE in realtime mode with new macOS API
	AU plugin #0: Effet - Apple AUGraphicEQ ()
	AU plugin #1: None
	AU plugin #2: None
	AU plugin #3: None

r8brain with 2x upsampling
r8brain filter parameters
Bandwidth = 99.5%
Stop band attenuation 218dB
Phase linear

Max allowed volume: 1.15453
Replay Gain: None
SW volume control: OFF

Sync list: 0 folders
iTunes/Music library synchronization: last synchronized on Fri Nov 29 12:52:40 2024

Library database path: /Users/gillesdentan1/Library/Application Support/Audirvana/AudirvanaDatabase.sqlite

Local audio files fingerprinting
Tracks with no MBID: 1613

Remote Control server:
Listening on on port 51964

TIDAL: Connected as PREMIUM

UI theme: dark
Font size: regular
Language: Langue du système
Show album covers in tracks list: yes
Source list sorted:
Ma Musique
Startup view: Ma Musique : Albums
Show local extended in source list: no
Use media keys: yes
Use media keys for volume control: yes
Use Apple Remote: yes
Number of paired remotes: 0
Remote pairing code required: yes
Screen saver disabled: yes

=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

Active method: Local

Max. memory for audio buffers: 4074MB

Local Audio Engine: CoreAudio
Exclusive access: ON
Integer mode: ON
Use max I/O buffer size: ON
Actual I/O buffer frame size: 512

Preferred device:
Burr-Brown from TI USB Audio DAC
Model UID:USB Audio DAC :08BB:2704
UID:AppleUSBAudioEngine:Burr-Brown from TI :USB Audio DAC :14120000:1

Active Sample Rate: 44.1kHz
Hog Mode is off

Bridge settings:
Sample rate limitation: none
Sample rate switching latency: none
Limit bitdepth to 24bit: OFF
Mute during sample rate change: ON

Selected device:USB Audio DAC
Manufacturer: Burr-Brown from TI
Model name: Burr-Brown from TI USB Audio DAC
Model UID: USB Audio DAC :08BB:2704
UID: AppleUSBAudioEngine:Burr-Brown from TI :USB Audio DAC :14120000:1
USB Vendor ID: 0x08bb
USB Product ID: 0x2704
ID 0x34

3 available sample rates up to 48000Hz
Audio buffer frame size : 14 to 4096 frames
Current I/O buffer frame size : 512

Volume Control
Physical: No
Virtual: Yes
Max volume alert: Enabled

MQA capability
Auto-detect MQA devices: No
Not automatically detected, user set to not MQA

DSD capability
Unhandled (PCM conversion) with boost gain of 6dB

Device audio channels
Preferred stereo channels L:1 R:2
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1

Audio channels in use
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: No
Simple stereo device: Yes

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream(s)
Channel #0 :Stream 0 channel 0
Channel #1 :Stream 0 channel 1

Stream ID 0x35 2 channels starting at 1
12 virtual formats:
1 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 48kHz
1 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 44.1kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 44.1kHz
1 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 32kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 32kHz
1 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
1 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
1 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 32kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 32kHz

12 physical formats
1 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
1 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
1 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 32kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 32kHz
1 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
1 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
1 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 32kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 32kHz

Local devices found : 3
Device #0: ID 0x41 Sortie intégrée
Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
Model UID: AppleHDA:94
UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,1:0
Model name: Apple Inc. Sortie intégrée
Device #1: ID 0x34 USB Audio DAC
Manufacturer: Burr-Brown from TI
Model UID: USB Audio DAC :08BB:2704
UID: AppleUSBAudioEngine:Burr-Brown from TI :USB Audio DAC :14120000:1
USB Vendor ID: 0x08bb
USB Product ID: 0x2704
Model name: Burr-Brown from TI USB Audio DAC
Device #2: ID 0x2c eqMac
Manufacturer: Bitgapp Ltd
Model UID: EQMDeviceModelUID
UID: EQMDevice
Model name: Bitgapp Ltd eqMac


UPnP devices found : 0


Chromecast devices found : 0

Make sure the Audio MIDI Setup output bit-depth and sample-rate is set to the maximum capability of your DAC.

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes: