Buzz when playing first track of an album...

Hi All,

Just wanted to ask if anyone has experience a weird hi pitch buzz for about a second when playing the first track of an album - this doesn’t happen when you go from track to track but its during that initial playback in engaging the DAC. I am using a Simaudio 280D DAC with a Mac Mini running Mojave with latest updates.

Would appreciate any thoughts guidance on what could be causing this as I am not experiencing this with other software such as Amara or JRiver and this does not happen with another DAC that I was using being the Naim DAC-V1.


Just to add, I just downloaded Pure Music to test with another application (as Amarra doesn’t do native DSD!) and that seems to work just fine switching bitrates from rebook to DSD64 or DSD128 with no sound issues at all. So it seems like its how Audirvana is interfacing with my new DAC.

Anyone experienced this with their equipment and found a solution…? I also have an e-mail out to Damien as this is really confusing and annoying…


When starting a dsd album i have also a static noise to begin, but not as annoying and sound dangerous for my speakers when randomly switching form pcm to dsd :pensive:

Static for split second when starting to play DSD over
PCM. Not healthy for the speakers.