BW first impressions

No problems to install Beta Windows, the program runs smoothly, recognized my library and my TIDAL files. Regarding the quality of the audio, I find something darker the sound compared to the Mac version.
There are options to configure ?.
Greetings from Chile.

Will there be A + Remote version for the Windows version?.


Configuration of the detailed audio settings (e.g. upsampling) is done by clicking on the small Arrow right of the audio device name in the device selection popup. To open the device selection popup, click on the “usb plug” shape button Bottom right of Audirvana Plus window.
The remote will come shortly after the commercial release.

Thank you Damien!

The worst day of listening, the program falls and closes untimely.
The tracks in Tidal sound with a click.
The program is dizzy and cut, I do not understand the reason for all this …

Is it the same after a reboot?
Including unplugging the USB cable to the DAC, then replugging it?

Let my try again tonight.
Thanks in advance Damien.