Can log in to Audirvana

I am trying to contact Audirvana to sort out the problem with getting hung up on loading first track. On their website, I enter my one and only email address which is verified and then I enter the email verification code after which is says my email is confirmed and I can continue. When I click the icon to proceed, it says my account could not be verified for the provided user ID. arrrhhh! There is no other way to contact Audirvana so I am reaching out for some help. Thanks.

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Hello @Whitestix,

Have you created your account here: ?

Hi. I have logged onto this website but why would I download AV Studio as I already have the software downloaded.
It has been two weeks with no music and I am getting desperate.

Studio and 3.5 are two different software, this is why you need to download Studio if you want to try it. If you properly setup your account, can you go to and click on the Download button?

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