Can not Download Audirvāna Studio

12.2 can not be downloaded from the account page
To the following site

Hello @yasuo,

Can you clear the cache of Safari while pressing [OPTION] + [COMMAND] + [E] and reload the page?

not working here either on Safari or Firefox… Monterey 12.3

We are working on it, we have made a workaround until we fix this. Can you try to refresh your page?

Reloading the ‘winner page’ worked on Safari and Firefox for me.

Download is OK
Thank you

This should now be fixed. If the issue occurs again, please report it here

Today I wanted download latest version Audirvana App from My Audirvana Account (Download - Audirvana ) and my virus scanner app doesn’t give access to that page. I don’t know this is faulty alarm or real threat.
Please could you check this issue.

P.S. I can send an screenhot about threat details but I couldn’t see any attachment upload link.

Whitelist it.

Hello @mistral,

Are you using Bitdefender as firewall? If it’s the case, you have to whitelist our website as they are detecting it as a false positive.

I already reported it to them but it seems their auto-detection have not removed it from their list…

No, I use Kaspersky Internet Security app.
You mean it is exactly false positive and we don’t need search any solution?

Can you send a screenshot of the alert you have from Kaspersky?

Okay, can you please try to clear the cache for on Chrome or try to go to using a private window?

Hi Antoine,
Firstly I tried go to download page as usual (without follow your recommendations ). I could open page without issue and without securty alert.
Then I cleared all browsing cache, history etc. and I go to page without problem.
Thank you very much for your support.


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