Can Studio run on Zorin OS?

Zorin OS is an Ubuntu based Linux with some Windows Apps support. I thinking of switching to this but I don’t want to experiment. Also my PC is too slow for vm. Right now I use LTSC 2021 and I’m satisfied. The question is: anyone of you using this with Audirvana? I mean with CrossOver, Wine or whatever, not vm. Thank you!


The only way to know is to try.


Hang on while I check

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I know, but maybe someone else tried before. That’s my reason for opening this. So I will wait a little more. If not probabily I will check myself and post the result here.

Thank You!

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Heck just try it…whats the worst that could happen ?

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:blush: So no?

Nothing. Just loose some hours because have a slow comp. I thought maybe someone already use or have Zorin installed. So if until tomorrow no one knows i’ll check.

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Finished. Thank you for answers. I can’t delete. Anyway maybe somebody know something. For the moment I will stay as is. It’s not only about Studio, I use computer for many tasks.

Give it 24hrs at least, Perhaps someone else is experimenting with this. Interesting project thanks for making me read on it a bit.

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I use Goodhertz VST3 Plugins with AS. They are very important for my sound. As you see, many problems with Ubuntu. So no, I have better things to do than testing/checking/trying to find solutions to problems created by myself for nothing serious.

Thank you. I will check this periodically. I’m glad if did anyway something good. :blush:

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I used to love installing square pegs in round holes, great fun very rewarding. As I’ve gotten older my passion for these projects has definitely cooled off. I will leave it for you kids :sunglasses:

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I’m older too, maybe not like you. I remember the last summer when had problems with Studio. Now is stable and sounds great for me. So why to sabotage myself? Anyway, it’s an interesting project indeed.

That being said, Linux is made for masochists…for better or worse.

I used to spend hours, days, weeks and even months digging around and making things work in Linux myself. But no patience or desire for that anymore…these days I need things to ‘just work’ which is why I think Zorin Linux is a good choice for the OP. In fact I’m on Zorin Linux right now as I type this… :smiley:


Right. I was masochist in the past too.

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Ham Radio / Hobby / Mental Illness ? How’s about around a 12hr round trip to 6000ft asl to change a darn fuse. I built UHF and Microwave repeaters for fun…it is

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Hey watch it now :wink:

Fuse = Job Security
