Cannot install Audirvana for Windows 10 (Enterprise LTSC)


I am new to Audirvana and tried to install the App for the first time. My operating system is the current version of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (version 1809).

After clicking the download button, I am first asked whether I want to allow this website to open an app on my computer. When I click yes, I get the message that I need a new app for opening ms-appinstaller (see screenshot). When I click OK, there is no response.

I suppose that ms-appinstaller is used by Audirvana during the installation process and that ms-appinstaller is somehow blocked under Windows 10 Enterprise (like downloads from the Windows Store are blocked under Windows 10 Enterprise). Am I right? Does anybody has an idea how to solve my problem?

Thank you, Thomas

Hello Thomas,

I got the same problem with Win 10 Professional. I did not find a solution yet but I suppose it is because I uninstalled the “Windows App Store”. In the Internet you can find some solutions to reinstall the Windows App Store. With my system this did not work. To get the App Store it would be necessary to install a new Win 10. But be carefull, before you do this, you have to deactivate your license. Otherwise you risk to loose your license.
Hope it was helpful.

With regards

Yes, that’s the reason. The latest Audirvana releases use the App Store installer. @Antoine mentioned it in one of the posts.

So, is there no way to install Audirvana on a windows 10 LTCS without the Microsoft App Store?

I intended to setup an Intel NUC and choose Windows LTCS intentionally, because it is a clean system without all the rubbish that Microsoft wants you to have but nobody really needs!

Please give us the classic installer back!!!

Hello Klaus and BhMusic:

I would like to share a message that I got from the Audirvana Support Team:

“I saw your post and if you can’t have appinstaller on your windows 10 you won’t be able to install Audirvana since we use it for the installation and update process of Audirvana. If this version of Windows 10 block the windows store this would also explain why you can’t get appinstaller. We are really sorry you can’t use Audirvana on this particular version of Windows 10, if you have a Windows 10 Home or Pro version you will be able to use Audirvana.”

Since access to the Microsoft App Store is indeed blocked under Windows LTSC, this confirms that the current version of Audirvana cannot be installed on that version of Windows 10. For the reason mentioned by BhMusic, I will not install another version of Windows 10. I very much hope that Audirvana will become accessible without the ms-appinstaller in the future.

Best, Thomas

There are ways to pear down a normal Windows releases. Check out CompactOS.

It is not about saving space, I have terabytes of music so I don’t care about 2gb I can save with CompactOS.
It is about unwanted Microsoft Apps in general which connect to Microsoft servers, which need to be updated regularly, which I don’t want at all but Microsoft installs on my system without my permission!
And now I need the Microsoft app store !!!:unamused:

Sounds like you need a Mac.

new mac mini 899€ + 1200€ for 2TB SSD!!
For that price I can buy a dedicated music server!
Actually, I wanted to switch from apple to windows based pc, but nothing is perfect!

Sorry I have Windows 10 Pro and i have the same problem.

Je suis possesseur d’une licence Audirvana plus for Windows depuis mai 2019 sur un portable DELL XPS 13 9350.

Tout allait bien jusqu’au jour ou l’OS a dĂ©cidĂ© de ne plus redĂ©marrer.

Un Windows 10 Professional.

AprĂšs plusieurs tentatives de rĂ©paration, infructueuses, de l’OS. J’ai dĂ» me rĂ©signer Ă  tout rĂ©installer. Windows 10 Pro 1511 ver 10586.0.

vu les choix proposés sur le site de Audirvana.

On ne peut que passer par la version d’essai gratuite pour, je suppose, valider ensuite la licence pour la version dĂ©finitive.

Malheureusement, impossible d’installer la version gratuite du fait de la non-prĂ©sence de l’application MS-Appinstaller.exe.

La routine d’installation propose de la rĂ©cupĂ©rer sur le store Microsoft
 mais elle est introuvable.

Une recherche sur le net identifie une application qui n’est compatible que pour les core(s) ARM.

Si quelqu’un a une idĂ©e je suis preneur

Bonjour @matiam, suite Ă  la rĂ©installation de votre OS Windows 10 vous ĂȘtes revenu Ă  une version antĂ©rieur de Windows 10 (1511) datant de 2015. Vous devriez mettre Ă  jour votre systĂšme vers une version plus Ă  jour de Windows 10 car cette version de Windows 10 n’est plus supportĂ©e depuis 2017.

Ok merci pour l’info

Mais c’est l’unique version qui m’est proposĂ©e lors de la rĂ©installation de mon Dell XPS 13. Sachant que les mises Ă  jour a partir de cette version de Windows 10 plantent immanquablement avec le message suivant : Des problĂšmes sont survenus lors de l’installation des mises Ă  jour, mais nous rĂ©essaierons ultĂ©rieurement. Si le problĂšme persiste et que vous souhaitez rechercher des informations sur Internet ou contacter l’assistance pour en obtenir, ceci peut vous aider (0x80240fff).
Pour résumer

Sur ce portable est installé Windows, Audirvana et le pilote de mon DAC.
depuis le mois de mai tout ceci tournait impeccable.
Jusqu’au jour ou l’OS ne veux plus redĂ©marrer suite Ă  une mise Ă  jour Microsoft.
Maintenant vous me dite que la version restaurĂ©e de Windows 10 n’est plus compatible.
Mais c’est la seule que je possĂšde Ă  l’origine chez DELL et elle ne peut plus ĂȘtre mise Ă  jour.
J’ai tout de mĂȘme payĂ© une licence Audirvana qui depuis plus de 2 mois est inutilisable.
N’y a-t-il pas moyen de faire une installation à “l’ancienne” sans passer par l’application MS-Appinstaller le temps que je trouve une solution avec Microsoft ?

 j’ai rĂ©ussi Ă  installer la derniĂšre version de Windows 10
Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.18363.418]
donc par la mĂȘme j’ai pu rĂ©installer Audirvana 3.5.2 sans problĂšme.

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