Cannot play DSD to JF MX-3 streamer

With my previous streamers Audirvana was able to stream or upsample to DSD and make music. With my new streamer, Jing Feng (JF) MX-3, it just gets stuck on 0:00 time. There is no music, although AS shows the streamer as being capable up to DSD512. I tried with JRiver and that plays DSD (DoP as well as native) OK to the MX-3. So why not AS? Any ideas?

Is there actually a setting in AS to make it send DSD as DoP? I could not find it.

It is found here in the AUDIO settings menu:
“DAC Input” >> “Direct Stream Digital (DSD)” >> “Native DSD streaming method” >> “DSD over PCM 1.1”

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

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thanks, will try when at home .

Although, coming to think of it, that option is absent when using UPnP?

I checked again and cannot find this DoP option when streaming via UPnP.

I also checked the behavior on Mac as well as Windows and on both DSD is not playing to the streamer even though AS recognizes the streamer as DSD512 capable. So I am still open to suggestions.

Post your Debug Information here so folks can help you better…
:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

Sorry for the delayed response. Here is that latter part of the log file:

2023-04-03 13:00:35,186 [9] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP select device: can’t find the device jfdigital AV Renderer Device with UID: uuid:mx1mr-424703
2023-04-03 13:00:35,426 [27] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -107
2023-04-03 13:00:35,434 [26] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -107
2023-04-03 13:00:36,048 [35] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -107
2023-04-03 13:00:36,056 [26] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -107
2023-04-03 13:00:37,028 [38] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -107
2023-04-03 13:00:37,028 [39] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -107
2023-04-03 13:00:38,037 [39] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -107
2023-04-03 13:00:38,037 [40] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -107
2023-04-03 13:00:53,763 [27] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -204
2023-04-03 13:00:53,763 [42] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -204
2023-04-03 13:00:53,763 [44] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -204
2023-04-03 13:00:53,763 [43] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -204
2023-04-03 13:01:24,212 [42] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -204
2023-04-03 13:01:24,212 [37] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -204
2023-04-03 13:01:24,212 [45] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -204
2023-04-03 13:01:24,212 [46] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -204

This is when you try to play a track to your device?

The problem only occurs when AS sends DSD to the streamer. When I send PCM, it plays well and the log file only has errors like this one:

2023-04-03 13:30:22,809 [34] DEBUG Audirvana.App - UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -204

This latter log item seems not to refer to the streamer, which is the MX-3 seen by AS as:
jfdigital AV Renderer Device with UID: uuid:mx1mr-424703
ip address:
(see previous log)

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