Cannot Start Audirvana on Mac OS after being off for 2 months

I don’t understand this situation. Software worked fine when I shut down my system in April. MacMini was in storage for two months. Now I get a blank screen when I open the software. When I go to the browser and try to log into my account, I get a perpetual reload of the login screen. It really shouldn’t be this hard to use this software. Is there some secret startup file that needs to be deleted to start over with my login? Since I can’t log in via a browser, I can’t even see the status of my account.


Is this the case with any browser, or just one?

And no, you don’t need a secret startup file.

Download - Audirvana should give you access to the latest version of AS for you to download.

Safari and Edge on Mac, Edge on Win 11 - same blank/reloading page when I select login. Flashes between a white blank screen and then a very momentary Audirvana screen that immediately goes back to a blank white screen. This is the URL.

this link you post is for a password reset…

if you have your password this link doesn’t work?
works for me on Safari…|FvjS5nZMbKHuTClWxwVnENE8gen7b9NX5Mc26V4ag20

when you have your blank screen can you see the preferences on the right?
if yes, click it, go to account tab and disconnect or connect there

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