Can't enter the license because "too many installs"

Same here Damien, Pc crashed and now I wanna install it again but too many installs. Could you pleaase help me out?



Hi Damien,

I had a crash on my computer and I am not unable to activate my license on the same computer again. Can you please unblock. Thank you.


Thanks for the help!

Sorry Damien, order No is 82543743 ordered on 10-10-2018

Hello @Donjoost and @VMak,

I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two computers.

To install Audirvana on your computer, you can proceed as follows:

  1. install trial version :
  2. unlock it by loading your license key

Hello Damien3

I have an older dead computer on which I did not manage to uninstall Audirvana. Can you reset my licenses so that I can install on my new computer? My order number is: 60730453.

Thank you,

Hi Damien3

I wipe out my pc, and forget to unlink Audirvana activation before.

Please can you remove my computers from the license database?
My order number is: 15426017

Thank you.

Dear Damien3

please deactivate all my previous Audirvana installations for the order numner 14514533

Thank you, Henning

Damien3. Same issue as everyone else. Please revoke order #99523936. Thank you. Happy New Year.

Hello @levantado and @Henning_Grote,

I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two computers.

Hello, I am getting too many installs, please help. Order number is 22530148. Thank you.

Please help :cry:

Still no reply!!! Terrible!

For the love of God, someone help me! Please!

Usually the replay the first next working day!

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In the name of our Lord, I implore you to… REPLY ! ! !

The power of Christ compels you!

have you tried to write at ?

Yes and no luck there either :frowning:

I have same problem too many installs please help Damien!