Can't file library database file ...

On upgrading to 3.1.7 Audirvana corrupted it’s library database, putting multiple copies of tracks that had been in the playlist in the library. I wiped it and reinstalled.

Now it fails every time it’s launched, throwing an error dialog that says:

Error opening library file
Can’t file library database file at location /Users/steve/Library/Application Support/Audirvana
Do you want to quit now and try again later or create a new blank library file?

There’s a perfectly healthy sqlite3 database - AudirvanaPlusDatabase.sqlite - in that directory. If I hit “Create new library” it’ll go through the new installation wizard, create a new database file and work fine. But then the next time it’s restarted, it’ll do the exact same thing.

Permissions look fine. Wiping the database directory and letting it recreate the whole thing doesn’t change anything.

Any ideas?

Try Start fresh A+ by deleting those files…

If you have Playlists that are important export them first to desktop and save them in a folder… when A+ is reset, you can re-import them back. Sadly to this day, the folders they were in is not back, you have to do it again…

Before doing this, maybe you should not connect after deleting those files to Roon or others…
Install A+ alone with your database… if working, log to Roon or else after.

Apple hide the Home Folder in User Library at some time depending on OS System… When you have clicked your Home Folder, and cannot see the Library Folder in there, just do a ‘‘cmd J’’ to show the folder settings preferences and see at the bottom… click Show Library Folder and then you’ll have access to the rest forever.

Starting for new A+:
Go to the Main Library Folder… PrivilegedHelperTools folder…
Trash All the files in that folder from A+ (that folder install SysOptimizer)
Go to the Main Library Folder… LaunchDaemons Folder…
Trash All the files in that folder from A+ (SystemOptimizer and prefs files)
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Applications Support… Audirvana Folder…
Trash All the files in that folder (that is your database of music, back it up!)
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Preferences…
trash com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus.plist in that folder (those are A+ software preferences)
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Caches… com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus
trash the files in that folder

Restart MAC. This will reset pretty much Audirvana like new.

When choosing library at first it will sync in top right main window under the logo…
LET IT GO, even better don’t try to adjust windows or edit files, even playing music
while it is not finished… you’ll see the progress bar going… Could be long the first time
depending on how large your library is, and MAC is fast or not…

Thanks for that list of files!

Yeah, I tried all that, with no success. I deleted and reinstalled the binaries (maybe something got corrupted?) and that didn’t help either.

The previous version I was running (3.1.5 or .6?) worked fine, but it’s been buggy ever since upgrading to 3.1.7, so it feels like an Audirvana bug rather than something with the system.

Anyone know if previous versions are available from anywhere (for finding the root cause, if nothing else)?

If the deletion of the AudirvanaPlusDatabase.sqlite file indicated above has not wiped your library clean for a fresh start. Then it is located elsewhere if you had changed its location/made a copy before.
You’ll then find the location at the bottom of the Library page of the preferences.

No, that’s the correct location (and it is the file the Audirvana binary is accessing, both from the error messages given and lsof).

The problem is that Audirvana creates a sqlite database that works correctly, and has correct looking data in it, but the next time it starts up it thinks it’s invalid and insists on going through the first use wizard to recreate it. In other words, the database the app creates is not recognized as valid at startup.

From the symptoms it looks like a bug in 3.1.7 (previous version ran fine, upgrading to 3.1.7 triggered a slew of what look like database-related issues, including this one). Ideally I’d like to get a installation files for a couple of versions back to check whether that’s the case.

Probably unrelated, but the app shuts down very slowly. I just ran it from the console rather than the finder, and it spewed this at exit:

2017-11-09 12:17:57.613 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928723] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.613 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928728] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.613 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928725] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.613 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928722] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.613 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928729] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.613 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928727] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.613 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928731] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.613 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928716] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.625 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928724] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.630 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928730] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.630 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928726] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.640 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928715] Error obtaining device description from -- error = -204
2017-11-09 12:17:57.641 Audirvana Plus[47330:6928664] IMKClient Stall detected, *please Report* your user scenario attaching a spindump (or sysdiagnose) that captures the problem - (imkxpc_presentFunctionRowItemTextInputViewWithEndpoint:reply:) block performed very slowly (44.60 secs).

The three URLs are three interfaces to an iSCSI NAS on the same network - one that’s never been mounted to this Mac and which Audirvana really shouldn’t be doing anything with. I assume it’s some sort of discovery it’s trying to do.

The final error is touchbar-related, I think (?) - and this is a current retina Macbook with a touchbar, running Sierra 10.12.6 - and likely worth investigating, but probably not something that should be corrupting the sqlite database.

These are not real error per se, but just indication some UPnP devices are not responding as expected, and this is due to them not being media renderers.

You could use a previous version, but there has been no change in this domain in 3.1.7.
Could you send me your database file so I can check it? (e.g. using a file transfer service and sending me the download link by email or PM)

You tried that also…
to Optimize your Database?
Audirvana menu: File… Library… Optimize… Do the 3 steps there and see.

Just to close this thread out - I’ve tried everything suggested, and sent a copy of my database to damien and have no fix or mitigation. It’s still broken.

(ETA: On 3.1.8, still broken.)