Can't get the Windows installer setup...not a good start

I used Windows Audirvana a few years back and it was painful to say the least.

I decided to try it again with Studio on a dedicated Windows 10 Pro Computer that only runs Brave browser, Roon and HQP and Audiophile Optimizer. AO is not activated on it at the moment so that isn’t the problem. There is no email and I am not installing an email client on that computer.

I have a Windows Store account. I only got it for this specific purpose. I can open it on my laptop but it will not open the App Store on the audio computer. I get to the app page for The Installer App. It has a button that says get in store. I click it and nothing happens.

Messing around on my laptop with it to see how it works and now I have installed it on the laptop that I have no interest using for Audirvāna. I didn’t actually want to install it there I was just seeing how the operation went and then there it is…

So now I have it installed a computer I don’t want it on and can’t install it on the computer I want it on. Isn’t there some other installer app so that I don’t have to deal with Windows Store? Or help in actually getting the app store to open.

Very frustrating start here…

Hi @Evo_No-Revo,

If you do not have App Installer in your computer, then you are probably using a very old version of Windows 10 as all newer version of it have this app by default in the OS.

Which version of Windows 10 do you have?

It is 22H2. I actually just reinstalled windows this morning and the same thing is happening. It wasn’t a fresh install but a reset I guess. Lost apps but kept settings I think.

When I get to the page with the App Installer information, it does the same thing. I click it and nothing happens. I am signed in. On the top of the page it has a bunch of buttons to click on. If I click Windows Apps it goes to ms-windows-store://home. The page will never open. It just says loading and stays blank.

You get this behavior when you go here: Download - Audirvana ?

Yes, that’s why (also) I don’t like Audirvana Setup. Is the only app who needs App Installer so far.

  1. Reinstall Windows (seriously. fresh install)

  2. Install all your drivers and apps and also Audirvana (will wok, you don’t need a Microsoft account. If you want to use a local account don’t connect Internet during Windows Setup. Search Google if you can’t - will work)

  3. Make a backup - very important. Why? Because many optimizers, including Audiophile Optimizer, can break Store/App Installer, UWP apps. All your apps - Roon, HQPlayer, other audio apps will work most probabily fine but not Audirvana. So in case something destroy uwp apps functionality you know what to do - restore from backup. I’ll be very happy if Audirvana will stop using this type of installer. I don’t like Store, App Installer, Microsoft Account and how Microsoft spies users. If Audirvana will stop use this type of installer on Windows the first thing will be to delete Microsoft Store from my PC - there are dozens of software that can do this. This will result in less services also - so good!

I agree. I want as little of Microsoft as I can get while using Windows…sounds kinda schizo but I like Windows better than Apple all day long.
Anyway, I did reinstall a fresh Windows 10 Pro. I see that the App Installer is there. I haven’t tried getting Audirvana up and going but will in the next day or so.

I figured the clean install was the next option. I already have a new back up so thanks for your help!


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