Can't login to Tidal


new Audirvana User here. When i want to connect to Tidal the window opens where i can enter my E-Mail Adress. However, the “continue” button just stays greyed out and i can’t continue. When i click on login with facebook or apple nothing happens either.

I’m using Win 10.


Today same problem. Win 10

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The same problem. Win 10


Same here. Windows 10.
Whether I click “Yes, continue” or “No, switch account”, nothing happens.

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Same… Frozen Tidal login

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How do we make someone aware of this issue??

Same problem for me too… The continue button is greyed out.

Hello, same problem for me since yesterday night


thank you for your report, we could reproduce the issue on our side and we will come back to you as soon as possible.


Cheers - Appreciate it. Experiencing the same issue here.

Further explanation about the login issue. If you try to connect to using Edge (not the new new chromium based version) you will have the same issue.

We contacted the staff at Tidal. Feel free to also contact Tidal support team regarding the issue you have and specify that you can reproduce it easily. This will help them prioritize this login issue.

Does it mean, the login screen is taken from default browser? I will try making Chrome as my default browser and try.

The Tidal login in Audirvana use a component called webview that is part of Edge, it doesn’t rely on your default web browser. This is why you can reproduce this issue with Edge and only Edge.

I have new Chromium version of Edge. But still unable to login. Until and up to 14-05-2020 I could login Tidal without difficulty. Problem started by 03:30PM GMT.

They’ve already fixed it. It works for me now…

Thank you Martin99, now it works for me as well!

Same here. Login via Audirvana was successful.

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