Can't resubscribe to Audirvāna Studio

I started up Audirvana Studio last night and received the message that my subscription had run out with a link to go to “my account” and resubscribe. I did this, but every time I try to resubscribe it goes to “my subscription” and the page disappears leaving me with a screen with no text on it anywhere and no way to resubscribe at all. Also, on the “overview” page there’s only one place telling me anything and it says something about disconnecting Mac or Windows 10 devices then asks me if I want to disconnect mine. UPDATE: I tried disconnecting my “device”, and now I still have the same problem of not being able to resubscribe to Studio. I’ve never seen this before, and am really just hoping to renew my subscription if possible.

Hello @bogginhead,

We took a look at to your account and it seems that you have multiple payment failed since your subscription from Jun 9. Does your credit card expired?

You should have received multiple mails that indicated that the payment has failed, is it the case?