capturing output; metadata mass update; MQA

I have two questions:

  1. I am trying to capture the output of Audirvana Plus 3.2.15 with either Audacity or Sound Siphon. Been unsuccessful with both. Any suggestions?
  2. I am trying to do a Metadata mass update for my incorrect genre tags, but I cannot find the Structured Filter Browser:

Open the structured filter browser by clicking on its title located just above the tracks list Select only one criteria: Genre

See the attached file with what I see.
3. Finally, how do I capture Tidal MQA files so that their MQA data are preserved?

try clicking All tracks button… 2 times

Screen Shot 2019-02-02 at 12.35.27.jpg
Screen Shot 2019-02-02 at 12.35.27.jpg