Choosing highest res TIDAL titles

Beside using Audirvana to play TIDAL. I use it to choose the highest res files to select favorites. They may have a 96/24 and 192/24 of the same title but in the actual TIDAL app you can’t tell which is which. It just says MASTER.When I add a favorite using Audirvana after clicking the heart the picture of the album changes to whatever is to the left of my choice. It also looks like it is not chosen as a favorite. If I go choose last page and then go back to my original page, everything is back to normal until I choose another one. Looks like a bug to me. I don’t remember that ever happening previously.

Do you mean if you like an Album it won’t be added to My Music in Tidal?

No. When I click on the heart it does make it a favorite in TIDAL. However, TIDAL often has more than one version of an album (for instance, 44/24, 192/24. 44/16). For example, if there are three versions of an album and I choose one of them by clicking on the heart, the one I chose disappears and the other two move over leaving only two versions.

Here are screen shots of the issue.

Hello @Romanotrax,

We manage to reproduce the issue on our side, we will take a look at it for fix in the next few days.

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