Click sound when using DX90 DAC

Hi everyone,

I’m using Audirvana on a macbook pro from 2013 running on macOS Sierra.
It works like a charm when using external DACs such as Musical Fedelity V-DAC.

However, when I try to use it with an iBasso DX90 configured as a DAC, audirvana generates a click sound every 2 seconds while playing music.
This behavior happens with any kind of music files (flac, mp3 whatever the sample rate and the bitrate are).
It happens wether I enable the exclusive mode or not.

Also, while the DX90 can handle audio streams up to 24bits/192kHz, Audirvana Plus only recognize a sample rate capability of 48kHz (this is the only value colored in green within the interface, and the only value that appeared in the logs).

I checked the firmware of the DX90, which is up to date, so as my OS.

Do you have any idea where it can come from ?

the iBasso may be limited to 48kHz on its USB interface, though being able to received 24/192 on a S/PDIF one
Have you tried playing to it using iTunes alone? Do you get the ticks then?

Yes, you are perfectly right, The DX90 is for some reasons, stuck at 48 kHz when used as a usb DAC. However, it doens’t explain the ticks.
I tried it with iTunes alone, it works perfectly. It also tried to limit the rate at 48 kHz within the A+ settings, it did not change anything.

With iTunes alone, have you set in Audio Midi setup the same sample rate as the one used when playing with Audirvana Plus (the one displayed just below the playback controls, top left of the window)?

Yes, the sample rate is set to 48kHz within Audio Midi setup. Actually, There is not any other choice for that DAC. I contacted iBasso to get more knowledge on that topic ; they told me that the DX90 used as a DAC through USB is limited to a sample rate input of 48kHz. I was able to test it on other machines, different OS (linux debian & ubuntu, Windows) and softwares, it works without any trouble.