Clicking on "My Playlists" causes app to crash

I’m glad to see that “My Playlists” are available to view on the left-hand side with the latest update but unfortunately this feature doesn’t seem tailored to someone like me who has hundreds of playlists. For one thing, every playlist being viewed by album art means that the app takes forever to load the art and the art disappears and has to be reloaded every time I view the playlists page. This process causes the CPU usage to spike and eventually crash (I have not been able to view more than a few playlists before the app crashes. In fact this latest time, I clicked on “My Playlists”, clicked on one playlist right away and the app immediately crashed).

I wish there was some way to view the playlists as a list from the left-hand side just like on Audirvana 3.5. I never had a problem with crashing or CPU spikes on the previous version of the app.

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I agree with you. Viewing every playlist by album art matrix is pointless and not easy to scroll through and search. And AS only lets you pin three playlists as a list in the left hand column for some strange reason. I currently have my playlists pinned to the right hand side, but this just takes up space for album views. I wish this could be fixed similar to the previous Audirvana.

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