Computer died - please de-register it

Hi my main computer died so I’ve bought a new one but I’m unable to de-register the old one can someone help so I can reinstall on the new one.

I’ve revoked my laptop license so I can get Audirvana sorted out on my new computer. Would be nice to have both licenses back though.
Applications like Malwarebytes allow these licenses to be self managed on a web site - would be a great improvement over this rather hit and miss exercise on the forum.

Hello @Graham_G, do you need me to remove your computer in our database? We are currently working to improve the way to manage your license :slight_smile:

Hi Damien if you can see last accessed date please delete the oldest if not please revoke both licenses I will re-add them thanks…Graham

I remove the oldest activation form our database.

Many thanks - both computers back up and running