Connexion mac à un dac en wifi

J’utilisais Audirvana sur un Max Studio relié à mon DAC par USB
Ayant modifier la place du Mac il ne m’est plus possible de brancher physiquement le cable USB
Comment me connecter via Wifi du Mac vers le DAc, quel matériel dois je envisager pour conserver la haute définition de Tidal ou Qobuz
Merci de votre aide
Musicalement votre

What DAC are you using? Does it have WiFi capabilities or a Ethernet connection port? Is a Ethernet cable available or only WiFi is possible? Some more details would be helpful.

My DAC is integrated in my amplifier Goldmund Telos 7 with only USB and optical port
Which matériel is necessary ton use wifi in high res définition
Thanks to your answer

Salut Michel,

Il y a d’excellents câbles USB a vers b jusqu’à 10 m ici Viablue

Je les ai pour l’USB, la modulation, les HP etc. très bon rapport qualité prix !

Si 10m ne te suffisent pas je ne sais pas … :wink:

iFi zen stream could be helpful, I use one via the Ethernet connection but it does have WiFi. I have not tried it yet with WiFi though. It can output to usb or coaxial.

You can use a streaming box to receive high res music from Audirvana via WiFi using the UPnP protocol. The streaming box will have a USB output that you can connect to the Goldmund.

You can either buy a streaming box from a manufacturer (for example an inexpensive one like this, or there are more expensive ones: ), or if you know some Linux you can make your own streaming box from a mini-PC like this:

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